January 23, 2009

Why am I so pissed off?

1. Marketing is the worst thing to happen to the world since nuclear weapons.

2. Rainy season makes my hair all frizzy and flat and lifeless.

3. Trent Reznor is probably gay. Either he experimented a little too much during his cokehead years that it stuck, or he never even liked chicks to begin with.

4. Meathead doesn't update his retarded site anymore.

5. Sushi is evil. It makes you eat it like it's free and once you're done you realize... it isn't -at least the kind that I ate last night isn't. It comes with its fair share of carbs and the expensive price is always paid by your thighs.

6. Despite my reluctancy to go back to my routine of '08, the aforementioned event is forcing me to put the hour and a half after Italian -that I've been using to check last.fm and sleep like a bum on my unmade bed- to good use again, and go back to the gym. Two pounds might not seem much, but when your favorite pants start feeling a bit too tight around the hips and thighs, you know you have to make some sacrifices.

7. Getting your ATM PIN mixed up is not funny. Especially when the machine blocks your card after three tries. ESPECIALLY when you have no money on you and are counting on the ATM to get you home. Seriously, and I'm supposed to be an interpreter with an exceptional memory.

8. Getting Smaller sounds like crap on iTunes today. No idea why.

9. A killer wave of writer's block has hit me with such force that I haven't been able to write anything productive/coherent/readable in over three months, despite having a very clear, outlined idea for a kickass story stuck in my head for centuries. I blame school, and its ubiquitous workload that's been stomping over my creative buzz since last year, but I am fully aware that it's all me and my inability to do well at anything I set myself to d0.

10. Can you tell I'm just fucking PROCRASTINATING majorly when I should be working on stuff that probably matters more in the real world than this blog post because I'm a complete failure of a human being??? Yes??? Well, you're totally right. And that sucks.

Playlist for today:

Dead Can Dance - The Arrival and the Reunion
Felix da Housecat - Let Your Mind Be Your Bed
Pigface - Mind Your Own Business
Curve - Want More Need Less
This Heat - S.P.Q.R.
Nurse With Wound - Woollen Numbness of Anaesthesia
Killing Joke - Complications
Interpol - Say Hello to the Angels
Nine Inch Nails - Getting Smaller Sunspots
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - It Was Wrong
Sisters of Mercy - Driven Like the Snow
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Slowly Goes the Night
Asobi Seksu - Thursday
Cat Power - Lived in Bars
Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Epic Last Song
Wolf Parade - Language City
Patty Griffin - Nobody's Crying
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
nearLY - Step Into the Light
The Pop Group - How Much Longer

*sigh* Here's to a long night, a long-lasting headache, and the death of my social life. Cheers.

Listening to: Radiohead - No Surprises
via FoxyTunes

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