July 30, 2009

Yesterday, July 29th, 2009...

... Was Mich's birthday.

And I drank too much. Again.

God, I fail hard.

BUT HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY, MICHELLE!!! I love you lots and lots even though you want my macaroni.

Now let's play beer pong.

July 19, 2009

Checking in with C (cause I haven't blogged enough lately)

This week, for the first time in... a long fucking time, I bought an album on iTunes. I know I vowed to never hand those bastards my precious money again, but this time I had to and it was fucking worth it. The item in question: the Moon original soundtrack by Clint Mansell.

I hate my job, I hate my job, I hate my job...

I like someone, and I totally hate this cause knowing how fucking pathetic I am, my crush will be completely unrequited and I'll end up depressed. Not to mention it's practically impossible and crazy and so fucking typical of me. Shhhhhh!!!

I'm drinking again. I don't like this either cause knowing how lame a drunk I am, I've probably revealed way too much of my ugly self in my drunken stupors and that's NOT good. Just ask Twitter.

Grecia is back, yay!

I'm pretty sure I'll be spending my birthday in New York, which would be fucking amazing (for the most part) if I didn't know there are already some people planning how they're gonna get me drunk on Nov. 3rd, and as I mentioned before, that's NOT good. It also seems I'll be spending my 21st with Lisette -- if I convince her to stay that long. Good? Yeah!

Michael Reznor announced the 'last ever' NIN tour dates, (ooooohhhh!). Presale tickets went on sale on July 17th, causing a massive NINternet collapse which left most of the NINtard/NIN fangirl/cool NINer population ticketless. People, are you ever gonna learn to NEVER take El Rezzo's word seriously? I give his break two years tops. He'll be back. [Don't get me wrong, I, too, wish I could go to one of those shows, but I've already fed my NIN obsession way too much. Time to move on.]

Speaking of, His Holiness Trent 'Bitch Fit' Reznor, called bullshit on everyone and deleted his two Twatter accounts and his fiancee's, because of course, a smart man like him knows the only opinion that matters is the trolls'. In addition, he's also disabled the PM feature on his nin.com profile, in an attempt to disconnect himself from the meanie NINternets and live in the real world. I'm not gonna comment on or judge his decision, but... dude, he should have done that a long time ago, in PRIVATE! In any case, and cause I know he's totally reading this, he should fill this out. (Posted that on my Twitter a while ago but since he wasn't reading his @replies, I didn't send it to him.)

Speaking of, I am done talking about Trent. Unless he releases cool new music or does something non assholey for a change, I'm giving him the silent treatment, so to speak.

I'm getting better at simul. I mean, what the fuck, I interpreted two hours worth of a Non-Aligned Movement meeting laden with weird Middle Eastern and African and Indian and Asian accents and weird language and big words and shit and I didn't totally fuck up! Could it be that doing simul is really my thing? I can say, in all honesty, I enjoy interpreting UN-type of speeches, like that NAM meeting, and I'm truly interested in the issues addressed in them, the language is easy to get used to, the terminology is fairly easy and... well, interpreting this kind of thing gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside, like you're actually helping save the world or something. Granted, these people are NOT gonna save the word, and neither are the interpreters, but fuck it, it's a cool job.

Speaking of, I still suck big time and need to practice.

And I still hate my job.

I like gladiator sandals. Why? No fucking idea.

My Italian doesn't suck.

"If you're happy and you know it, that's a sin!" from The Simpsons. Fuck, lolololol! WIN!

I've recently come to realize how much I love music. I would be fucking nothing without it.

A professor called me 'smart' the other day, and told my friends she always thinks of me first when planning the class. This made me feel good, but the prof is a total wacko so I don't know how to feel about that.

Life is pretty good in general. Can't complain.

And that's all.

Now playing: Bitter:Sweet - Don't Forget To Breathe
via FoxyTunes

My Two Cents' Worth on...

... The Dead Weather's Horehound.

(from Wikipedia)

1. "60 Feet Tall" Dean Fertita/Alison Mosshart 5:33
2. "Hang You from the Heavens" Fertita/Mosshart 3:39
3. "I Cut Like a Buffalo" Jack White 3:28
4. "So Far from Your Weapon" Mosshart 3:40
5. "Treat Me Like Your Mother" Fertita/Jack Lawrence/Mosshart/White 4:10
6. "Rocking Horse" Mosshart/White 2:59
7. "New Pony" Bob Dylan 3:58
8. "Bone House" Fertita/Lawrence/Mosshart/White 3:27
9. "3 Birds" Fertita/Lawrence/Mosshart/White 3:45
10. "No Hassle Night" Mosshart/White 2:56
11. "Will There Be Enough Water?" Fertita/White 6:20

60 Feet Tall: I like. Guitar work is ok, though knowing hobo asshole Jack White probably played it kinda takes a bit of the coolness away from it. Good opening track.

Hang You from the Heavens: Shouldn't have been a single. Generic, doesn't stand out majorly. Not a filler track either.

I Cut like a Buffalo: Bahahahaaaaaa, here it is, the buffalo song. I mean, what else would you expect, it was written by lyrical genius Jack White, it was meant to be a turd from the get-go. THAT being said, the beat is rather cool. Just sayin'.

So Far from Your Weapon: Retro. Reminds me of the classic sixties shit my friend Daniela listens to. That doesn't mean it's bad. It doesn't mean it's good either. Okay, it's good-ish, kind of. It's Alison fucking Mosshart, of course it's good.

Treat Me like Your Mother: I don't know, this sounds like it belongs on the School of Rock soundtrack. I enjoyed it quite a bit, though it gave off a weird TV on the Radio / 311 vibe at times. That's not bad, not at all (except that 311 shit, those guys really SUCK!), but not what I'd expect from these dudes. Oh, and I guess we should establish that they're no Bob Dylan, their lyrics are... meh. And I thought Trent Reznor wrote crappy lyrics...

Rocking Horse: White Stripe-ish. Not even the 'good' White Stripes. This could as well be a Seven Nation Army remix. All they're missing is the shit drumming and the incestuous tale and thery're good to go.

New Pony: Nice take on a Dylan classic. Someone needs to teach Jack White a few more chords on the guitar, I can't help feeling like he uses the same riffs and solos every fucking time. I know this is Jack White, I'm almost sure. Mosshart's voice is fucking sick, holy shit!

Bone House: Okay, finally, I hear Dean Fertita's keyboard on this record. Okay, maybe my ears are not educated enough so I didn't catch it before, in which case, my bad. Deafening noise+sick vocals+keyboards=amazing (see The Horrors). However, here it's only passably ok. What the fuck.

3 Birds: Another White Stripe-ish track, except that I like this one much better than the previous one. Maybe cause it's an instrumental and it sounds like chase scene music. The first part, that is. After that we're back to okay White Stripe-ish.

No Hassle Night: Lazy, attempts to sounds like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs but ends up sounding like Lenny Kravitz. Gets me hyped up but fails to close the deal and I'm left high and dry. It's not bad, it just had the potential to be amazing and wasn't. Because Jack White was involved, methinks.

Will There Be Enough Water?: All I can think of is Texas. Road trip across the country, driving along dusty roads in the blazing sun, chewing tobacco and drinking beer in a dirty bar with this track playing. I watch too much TV, I know that. Oh, whose fucking vocals are those? White's? Fertita's? Invisible Jack's (Lawrence)? Too long a track, I kinda like the improv vibe but it's waaay too long. They totally lost me here.

... And alas! It's over! Can't believe I waited all year for this album. All right, it wasn't horrible, I'll give them that. And my opinion is biased since I honestly hate Jack Stinky White's guts, but it wasn't what I expected. Maybe my standards are high. Maybe not. Anyway, I really liked some parts, though overall the album as a whole was... eeeh. OH, Alison Mosshart's voice sounds fucking good here. And that's all I have to say about that.

Now playing: Camera Obscura - Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken
via FoxyTunes

July 11, 2009


This is what happens when Cat & Co. get bored, expressed in a very simple equation:





(And they didn't even play Led Zeppelin).

Now playing: Les Savy Fav - Comes & Goes
via FoxyTunes