February 21, 2009

... He's doing WHATTT?!?

After a couple days of bed rest and Chinese chicken soup, I am finally back to normal. My bowels are slowly going back to their regular routines and my stomach is slowly digesting food at a more normal pace like it used to before I was a huge pig and gobbled copious amounts of sushi which most likely got me in this huge trouble. Feels good to be able to eat chocolate again. Maybe I shouldn't yet, but I'm doing it anyway cause I know what it's like to feel like you're gonna die, and if anything, I wish I'd had chocolate then to make it better, so what the hell. And now that I'm feeling okay again, and have a few hours to kill, I'm gonna take some time to touch upon a subject which I had unfortunately failed to mention. Pardon me, but the shock and the tears were too overwhelming to ignore. I have been sulking and moaning and bitching about this all week, and now it's your turn to hear my juvenile thoughts on...


Just when we thought he'd got over his emo, drama-queen phase and had forgotten to throw another bitch fit like he did back in December, '08, he comes back with this. According to Ressner's latest post on nin.com, there won't be any more Nine Inch Nails ever. This is the definitive end of the band, it's over, dead forever, kaput. You don't believe me? Fine! Just take a look at this excerpt from His Holiness, Count Tentpole Reznorgasm's note:

In NIN world, 2009 marks the 20th anniversary of our first releases. I've been thinking for some time now it's time to make NIN disappear for a while. Last year's "Lights in the Sky" tour was something I'm quite proud of and seems like the culmination of what I could pull off in terms of an elaborate production. It was also quite difficult to pull off technically and physically night after night and left us all a bit dazed. After some thought, we decided to book a last run of shows across the globe this year. The approach to these shows is quite different from last year - much more raw, spontaneous and less scripted. Fun for us and a different way for you to see us and wave goodbye. I reached out to Jane's to see if they'd want to join us across the US and we all felt it could be a great thing. Will it work? Will it resonate in the marketplace? Who knows. Are there big record label marketing dollars to convince you to attend? Nope.
Does it feel right to us and does it seem like it will be fun for us and you? Yes it does.
Look for tour dates soon and I hope to see you out there.


Okay, so I paraphrased a little, but basically the jist of the message is clearly what I just said. Trent is sick of all those fangirls throwing big fucking titty bras at him and wanting to bite his thighs that he just wants to quit making music, the biggest passion of his life, forever. I know, it's the end of the world. Trent won't be playing shows anymore, he won't be making his emo-EBM noise anymore, and fans won't have any more halos to pay lots of money for. Oh noooo!!!


On second thought, well... he didn't really say he would disappear completely. Like... he just said he would make NIN "disappear for a while." A while that might last a little bit longer than two months, but let's face it, the man must want some time for himself. He has hobbies, like everyone else, that he can't do cause he's too busy humping mic stands and screaming "MOTHERFUCKING PIGS!!!" every night for all ya'll ungrateful fans. Come on, he must want some time off to learn how to knit, or meet with his book club, or... you know, bench press. Besides, he's not the scrawny twenty-something that got onstage every night for nearly two years straight during the Self Destruct tour and its different incarnations. Even though he looks damn fine for a forty-three year old... well, his hip probably isn't what it used to be. So, why don't we just rejoice in the fact that there's still one last chance to see NIN in all its glory before Trent goes back into his coffin indefinitely, and do the impossible to catch one of these last shows. Sure, there's no Josh Freese, or Alessandro Cortini, and Freese is being replaced by a guy my age, and Ally's post is empty, but the shows can't be that bad. There was no Closer at the first Australian show, I was informed. And now that we know the last NIN tour will feature Trent and his cohorts, alongside long-time BFFs, Lollapalooza masters, Jane's Addiction, I know these shows won't be anything short of magical.

However... There are still some questions that I can't help asking myself regarding these forthcoming events in the life of Nine Inch Nails:
  • What's gonna happen with Rob once the tour is over?
  • What's gonna happen with Robin once the tour is over (or if he gets fired before the end of the tour)?
  • Is Trent scared of touring with Jane's Addiction knowing Dave Navarro has "the hots for him"?
  • What's gonna happen with Atticus?
  • Will there be any more Ghosts before Trent goes on vaca?
  • Seriously, isn't Trent scared of Dave Navarro? Like, for real?
  • Will I get enough money to catch these guys on tour in April?
  • Why does Trent have a Twitter?
  • Why hasn't Trent blocked that stalker chick on Twitter?
Trent, if you're reading this, I don't care if you go on a break. I don't care if you decide to retire for once and for all, because, ultimately, you have made me happy beyond words with your music, and I knowing that I'll never find the right way to thank you for it is a depressing thought indeed, so the only thing I can do is wish you all the best and hope you get all that you want, because you deserve it. You gave your best every night last year, you gave your fans two incredible records last year --one of them completely free of charge-- so no one can say you're a greedy, ungrateful artist, and all your fans know that you are far from it. I just hope you give me the chance to see you live before you "disappear for a while" so I can at least wave you goodbye like you asked us to do on your letter. Good luck and thank you and I love you and I will wait patiently for the next episode of the Reznor saga. I know this isn't the definitive end.

*wipes tears* Shit, now I gotta think of ways to make money to go see Trent. Hmmm... what can I sell?

Listening to: Trans Am - Divine Invasion
Eating: Bran crackers
Drinking: Gatorade (I hate hate hate being sick!)

February 20, 2009

Shellfish and/or Sushi

What the hell? I have food poisoning! I've never had that in my life! Now I don't know whether it was the shellfish I had for lunch or the sushi I had for dinner yesterday that started this whole mess... Or was it the spring roll and fried rice I had for dinner? Hmmm, I just realized my diet is fucked up.

P.S.: Gatorade SUCKS!!!

P.S.: Thank you for the card :) Made the sickness a little bit easier to bear with.

Gotta go, off to throw up... again.

Listening to: múm - Awake on a Train
via FoxyTunes

February 16, 2009

Today, February 16th, 2009...

... Is Mama Silvana's Birthday.


On behalf of your kiddos, the T&I crew, I wish you a wonderful time in the Dominican Republic. No one deserves this more than you do. We love you because you're wise and smart and serious and motherly, and a closet perv, and you always know how to make us smile. You're an extremely sexy mama, there's no limit to your generosity, and your excellent taste in music has impressed many, even your kid daughter, aka ME. What's there not to love about you?

Of course, there are pics from last Friday, at this lady's 36th B-day bash:

The birthday woman with the engaged mosquito and the annoying little daughter =D

First cocktail of the night...

LOL, who in the motherfuck took that picture???

The fun crew.


Sara!!! Finally, we got to party with you!

Watch it mama, that's an engaged man!


Thanks for the shitty pic, Giorgio!

Haha, that's a total "bitch, please" face.

*sigh* That was a great night. Have fun in the Caribbean, Silvana!!

Listening to: Psapp - I Want That
via FoxyTunes

February 10, 2009

A Year in Hair

New Year's Eve '07:

New Year's Eve '08:

Thank you, '08, for being so kind to my hair. Thank FUCK I came to my senses... Jesus, what was I thinking?

Listening to: The Republic Tigers - Buildings & Mountains
via FoxyTunes

February 9, 2009

Currently absorbing... part deux

So, my busy days are coming to an end, thank goodness, and my school responsibilities have started to prove less time-consuming and exhausting. This is good, because now I finally have time to do things that I hadn't done in a while for lack of time or energy, like breathing, or eating, or sleeping. Damn, I missed eating. Also, now that I have some "me" time again, I can do one of my most favoritest things in the whole world: music rant. This past weekend, I did some extensive listening, and here is some of the most remarkable shit I listened to:

Friendly Fires - Friendly Fires
Hands down, one of THE best releases of '08, this little band screams hipster. It's half New Order, half Pavement, with a touch of My Bloody Valentine to spice things up. The result is something I would expect from the ultimate dance-punk label, DFA, and that speaks goddamn highly of these guys.
Recommended track: Jump in the Pool - Um, this is some funky shit, alright. Groovy... this makes me shimmy and shake and smile :).

Hot Chip - Made in the Dark
Ok, so I've been revamping some albums from last year, especially the ones I liked. This one isn't really one of my favorites, but it's still worth mentioning. This album sounds a little bit too much like its predecessor, The Warning, and that's okay, cause that was a superb album. I expected more from these guys, though, hence my ignoring of this album on my "Best albums of '08" post. Although I did include The Faint's Fasciinatiion, which blows. Yeah, well... Made in the Dark doesn't necessarily blow. It just lacks a little bit of pizazz. I wish they'd got a bit more edge and made something totally different, cause their synth pop is quite good. On the bright side, they did include some nice ballads on this album, which I enjoyed very much.
Recommended track: Ready for the Floor - Not one of the ballads I mentioned, but rather one hell of a good dancefloor song. Yummy.

Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Another precious offspring of '08, only totally different and... well, much better than the two former. I don't even know why but I get a certain familiar vibe with these guys that I cannot point at. Nevertheless, this album is one of the best debut albums I've ever heard. Their mix of classic rock with folk is impressive, and yet approachable enough that it comes in the form of catchy, four-minute-something tunes, with typical pop song structures and somewhat of a PG-13 feel to it. This could be a great recipe for a disaster pie with a nice flop cherry on top, but... goddamn, this is nice. Some of these songs are so poignant and beautiful and dark, I could potentially see this band as Nick Cave's much folkier, Led Zeppelin-loving little kid.
Recommended track: Tiger Mountain Peasant Song - Insightful, mellow, fragile, touching, simple, warm, alluring, sweet... Like, half of those adjectives alone are enough to make me cry, so imagine how hard I bawled when I heard this song.

Mmm... Bristol. Pure genius. I mean, the only good thing about the nineties -other than Nine Inch Nails, of course- is trip hop. It;s funny how, while America was still feeding on the hype caused by Kurt Cobain and his disheveled creation, grunge, an entirely different, yet much more innovative, in my humble, rock chick opinion, movement was brewing in the UK, and came to fruition with the success of bands and artists such as Massive Attack, Portishead, Tricky, blah blah... Those Brits, always ahead of their time. I can't explain why, but thanks to this fellow, I found my newest obsession: trip hop, and now I adore it, even more than I already did. Zero 7's Simple Things, Lamb's self titled debut, Elsiane's Hybrid, and more recently Morcheeba's Big Calm; these are some of the albums that are now an essential part of my life simply for being unique.
Recommended track: Morcheeba - Big Calm - This sounds very hip-hop, but it's cool enough to make me love the crap out of it.

So, I've been on a Radiohead binge these last couple of days, which I cannot explain since I'm not going through a crisis or a depression, and casually, these happen to be the only occasions when I find myself drawn to Radiohead. Goddamn, why do they have to be so fucking sulky?! Still, I don't know, but I used to be the kind to take my Radiohead in small doses. Now, I can't get enough of them, and I'm pretty worried cause I don't really like Thom Yorke, and I make fun of his gimpy eye. I really don't like liking things I don't like (lol), dammit!
Recommended track album: Kid A - This albums beats, rapes and murders In Rainbows, and I just realized that. Never really saw what the big deal about it was until now. The Bends used to be my all-time favorite Radiohead album, but now I'm reconsidering it. Hmmm... yeah, well, Street Spirit (Fade Out) is still one of the best effing songs ever made but... eh, whatever.

Sonic Youth - Sister
This is Sonic motherfucking Youth, I don't even have to say anything to evidence their greatness. My ears still hurt from the noise and the distortion and all that feedback and dissonance, but hell, I would be glad to go deaf while listening to this album. One of my favorite albums, still after all of these years, the only thing I don't like about it is that it's too damn short. This is a great alt-rock record, artsy, experimental, full of complex, yet enjoyable noisy tracks. 'Nuff said.
Recommended track: Beauty Lies in the Eye: This is one of the calmer tracks on the album. Kim Gordon's trademark stream-of-consciousness poetry, most clearly on display on Teen Age Riot, makes an appearance here, and gives this song a warm, womanly feel of confort amidst all the chaos.

Devendra Banhart - Rejoicing in the Hands
This guy is awesome. His name is weird, he lived in Venezuela, he looks like a hobo, he sings stuff that makes no sense whatsoever; and yet, he managed to get signed with Michael Gira's label, Young God. I mean, Michael Gira! THE Michael Gira! Well, his music is minimalistic, emotional and rather freaky at times. This is pure folk, the heart and soul of the country, this album reeks mountains and forests, primitive influences evoking wonderful times that are long gone now. This is a rather visual album, with a certain sumthin'-sumthin' that will leave you in awe.
Recommended track: Poughkeepsie - Oh Jesus, could this be any more depressing? Holy hell, this guy is, indeed, Gira's long lost child. Wow...

Yup, that's it. I'm happy now cause my stress is gone, and even though this school term isn't over yet, I feel like I can take time to do useless shit again, and that feeling is priceless. I will be back when I think of something else worth blogging about. Don't wait up.

Listening to: Can - Mushroom
Eating: Fucking evil Chinese food! Why do I have to be sooo goddamned weak?!
Drinking: Lemonade

February 6, 2009

Real quick...

A post that was way overdue --Sorry, school has left little time for me to comment on recent events, such as this one.

Rest in peace, Lux Interior.

Lux Interior and wife, Poison Ivy, performing with The Cramps in '06.

Wikipedia: The Cramps

What is it with all these legendary rockstars dying this year?

Listening to: The Cramps - Garbageman
via FoxyTunes