January 31, 2009

Blonde Redhead?

Can you remember the last time I did shit to my hair? I think it was last September, as part of the retail/self-improvement/psychologist recommended therapy I underwent to rid myself of depression. Yeah, cause Trent 'I'm so hot I can cancel shows as I please and don't even have to apologize for it' Reznor decided this side of the globe was not worthy of his Holy presence and sent my plans of seeing a Lights in the Sky tour show down the shitter. Back when I had money to throw away and no purpose in life whatsoever. Fun times, indeed.

Yeah, as sad as missing my concert was, getting a makeover was fun nevertheless. It stopped being fun when I had to pay an undisclosed, outrageous amount of money for it, but looking back at it, it wasn't such a bad decision. My hair looks healthier now, I can style it better, it looks like it belongs on a human head and not like a part of Chewbacca's rump... yeah, the haircut was okay. I could have spent less, but then again, I had extra money that I did not use to prove my undying love for Reznor, and I was depressed, so it was a sweet indulgence that I can forgive myself for. Now, nearly four months after the deluxe haircut and the invisible coloring, I touched my hair again.

I had expressed the desire to go blonde for the first time in December. I never had any interest in becoming a blonde, as I am not a natural one and I never will be, and I don't think it's a good look for me at all. I'm a brunette, my dark hair makes me more exotic and mysterious (lol) and I love it. Plus, me and peroxide have a long history of hating each other, which I would rather keep to myself because peroxide was a hypocrite and messed with my hair when it said it wouldn't and I felt really betrayed and ashamed. I had a very clear mindset regarding blonde hair. I am NOT a blonde, and if it doesn't look natural, it's not worth trying. I hate fake blondes and would rather pull a Britney and shave off all my hair than go platinum. But... there comes my annoying new friend who I'll refer to as ANF, and changes my mind. So, it's Christmas and I'm dying to get my hair colored in a dark blonde shade. Yup, I still think platinum sucks. I just wanted to get a lighter, natural looking shade that would make "my eyes stand out," as ANF pointed out. Because of money limitations, or rather the fact that I'm a hopeless shoeaholic, I couldn't get my hair done in December, and up until last week, hair color had totally slipped my mind. Now, last week, I was at the supermarket getting tons of food for my fun-size Poodle, when I walked down the personal care aisle and I saw it. There were... hair colors. And there it was: sultry, classy, shiny, luscious Medium Ash Blonde haircolor staring right back at me as I stood in awe in front of the shelf. It had to be mine. It would look perfect on me. Finally, my recent infatuation was becoming a reality and I was going to be a blonde.

Wanna see how it went? Okay then, here are some god-awful pics, pardon the bad angles:

Yup, not exactly blonde. I don't know, but it looks like a lighter, more reddish shade of my natural hair color. I'm not complaining, cause it got the job done and I didn't lose my trademark dark hair in the way, but I can't help feeling a little ripped-off. The box said 'Medium Ash Blonde' and I expected... I don't know, something more golden-ish. So now I'm sporting auburn hair and it does sort of almost look natural, if you buy my crap and believe I was born with auburn hair, which I doubt, but it's still way better than trying to sell you the 'I'm a natural blonde' line. Yeahhhh riiiightttt...

I don't know if the box was mislabeled or I simply can't hold a decent color on my dark dark hair but that is soooo NOT ash blonde! Or is it? Anyway, I wouldn't know, I have no idea how hair colors work so what the heck.

Listening to: The Three Johns - Do the Square Thing
via FoxyTunes

January 23, 2009

Why am I so pissed off?

1. Marketing is the worst thing to happen to the world since nuclear weapons.

2. Rainy season makes my hair all frizzy and flat and lifeless.

3. Trent Reznor is probably gay. Either he experimented a little too much during his cokehead years that it stuck, or he never even liked chicks to begin with.

4. Meathead doesn't update his retarded site anymore.

5. Sushi is evil. It makes you eat it like it's free and once you're done you realize... it isn't -at least the kind that I ate last night isn't. It comes with its fair share of carbs and the expensive price is always paid by your thighs.

6. Despite my reluctancy to go back to my routine of '08, the aforementioned event is forcing me to put the hour and a half after Italian -that I've been using to check last.fm and sleep like a bum on my unmade bed- to good use again, and go back to the gym. Two pounds might not seem much, but when your favorite pants start feeling a bit too tight around the hips and thighs, you know you have to make some sacrifices.

7. Getting your ATM PIN mixed up is not funny. Especially when the machine blocks your card after three tries. ESPECIALLY when you have no money on you and are counting on the ATM to get you home. Seriously, and I'm supposed to be an interpreter with an exceptional memory.

8. Getting Smaller sounds like crap on iTunes today. No idea why.

9. A killer wave of writer's block has hit me with such force that I haven't been able to write anything productive/coherent/readable in over three months, despite having a very clear, outlined idea for a kickass story stuck in my head for centuries. I blame school, and its ubiquitous workload that's been stomping over my creative buzz since last year, but I am fully aware that it's all me and my inability to do well at anything I set myself to d0.

10. Can you tell I'm just fucking PROCRASTINATING majorly when I should be working on stuff that probably matters more in the real world than this blog post because I'm a complete failure of a human being??? Yes??? Well, you're totally right. And that sucks.

Playlist for today:

Dead Can Dance - The Arrival and the Reunion
Felix da Housecat - Let Your Mind Be Your Bed
Pigface - Mind Your Own Business
Curve - Want More Need Less
This Heat - S.P.Q.R.
Nurse With Wound - Woollen Numbness of Anaesthesia
Killing Joke - Complications
Interpol - Say Hello to the Angels
Nine Inch Nails - Getting Smaller Sunspots
Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - It Was Wrong
Sisters of Mercy - Driven Like the Snow
Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Slowly Goes the Night
Asobi Seksu - Thursday
Cat Power - Lived in Bars
Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Epic Last Song
Wolf Parade - Language City
Patty Griffin - Nobody's Crying
New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
nearLY - Step Into the Light
The Pop Group - How Much Longer

*sigh* Here's to a long night, a long-lasting headache, and the death of my social life. Cheers.

Listening to: Radiohead - No Surprises
via FoxyTunes

January 20, 2009

Some (useless) thoughts on Inauguration Day

Thank goodness people started using their brains again and made the right choice after eight years of poor decisions, disappointments, meltdowns and "misunderestimations." I have faith in humanity again. Not really, but I'll try and be less critical of you fellow humans from now on. I feel happy and inspired and hopeful. Goddamn, Mr. Obama is one hell of a good public speaker. Seriously, I wouldn't mind interpreting him (simultaneously) for the rest of my life! And I HATE HATE HATE simul!

Yay! I got Barack'd!!!

... Some love for El Rezzo too, as always.

(Get your own at obamicon.me. You have to register first and it's a bit of a hassle, but it's kind of cool after that).

Oooooh... this was such a beautiful day. It almost made me want to voluntarily do homework.

Listening to: Wire - Former Airline
via FoxyTunes

January 15, 2009

2KEWL4SK00L playlist

So, I started school again this week, which sucks. It's not THAAAT bad, sure. I'm not taking any simul classes this semester, which I'm more than relieved about. We took simul all of last year and by December, my brain was close to going on a coma and I was having withdrawals. I'm totally serious. Sure, by the time we pick it back up to practice for our final final final exams we're all gonna suck balls, but at least we got five or so months to enjoy life in a simul-free world. Because I want to graduate as soon as possible and start considering the (few) options I have for the future, I'm working my ass off all of this semester, which means, I'm probably gonna die by the end of February.

I really don't wanna die, though. I would love to stay alive at least until I turn twenty-one and am able to drink legally in the U.S. of Hell. Or at least until I save enough money to see Trent Resner's shiny, so-not-leather pants live. But the way I see it, it's gonna take a lot of will power, a lot of strength -which I don't have cause I'm a wimp,- and a lot of good music to keep me going. Oh, and cutting classes is always a bonus. Especially when it rains so much you can't leave the house. Like today, I totally cut Italian so I could stay home like a lazy parasite of society and write a totally meaningless blog entry because the sky had the runs and it was so bad my whole street was flooded. Oops.

Now, if I'm planning to survive these next two months, I'm gonna have to bring my A-game every day, and load my iPod with powerful musical nukes to annihilate every trace of weakness that might appear. And now that I just so happened to be stranded at home, courtesy of the ever-so-welcome South American rains, I'm gonna just go ahead and make a killah playlist to totally blow up the grim reaper and stay on my feet.

Caution: This is a long one, twenty songs full of badass, so if you have a heart condition, or bad taste in music, I recommend that you get the hell out of here as soon as you can.

Hüsker Dü - Turn On the News
Most of my smart thinkings usually occur while I'm on the school bus. I guess it's probably because I spend so much time on it, and because that's like the only time I have to actually think without having the annoying puppy biting my toes or the annoying bitches making me laugh. Most of my (totally unoriginal) ideas for stories I have had them on the bus. I discovered the true meaning of life on the bus. Actually, the idea of this stupid blog post came to me yesterday while I was crossing the bridge on my way to the boring six o'clock class, and appropriately enough, it came to me while listening to this little number. This song has the right amount of punk rock energy, but it's not Black Flag-hardcore, so it's perfect for me. No, I don't like hardcore. No, I don't like Black Flag. Hüsker Dü is a very interesting band; while their early stuff is very Black Flaggy, their later works are softer, more melodic, more pop, and definitely more likable for Cat. What's even weirder is that their first album, Everything Falls Apart, is the most hardcore thing they ever did, and is my favorite of theirs. This song is taken from their second release, Zen Arcade, which is one of the best albums ever, no contest. I love how they mixed punk with jazzy beats and psychedelia in this record, and I love how this song is the epitome of experimental punk, and the epitome of energy. That guitar solo is so yummy, holy crap!

Interpol - PDA
I seem to stumble upon an Interpol song every single fucking time I make a playlist. It's actually stupid how I seem to find an appropriate song by these mofos for every mood I'm in. That probably shows how versatile they are, but it's annoying, nevertheless. It's such a shame that I love them so much. This is not as strong as the previous song, but it's a good transition, I think. It's still energetic, in its very Interpol-y way, and it's a bit dark, in my opinion. All of the Turn On the Bright Lights album is a bit short of light. Must be all of that Joy Division. This is the first Interpol song I ever loved, and even though I moved on and found others to profess my feelings for, PDA and I still have a special relationship. I wish I could say the same about my exes, but that's another reason why music is my current boyfriend. Very rhythmic, the relationship between the vocals and the guitars is so beautifully intertwined and carefully made it's impressive.

Foetus (Inc.) - Wash (It All Off)
Damn, that J.G. Thirlwell and his happy industrial shit. It's really hard to talk about industrial without bringing up this guy's name(s), and it makes me really happy to hear that he's still pretty active in the music scene of Brooklyn today. Foetus is one of those weird seminal bands you can't really pigeonhole in one genre, you can't really decipher their style, you can't really point out why you love it, but you can't really deny is good. Clint Ruin, J.G. Thirlwell, Frank Want, kickass motherfucker, whatever his name is at the time, has made some of the most interesting music the world has ever heard, and yet it's so underrated it's pathetic. There would be no Nine Inch Nails, not the NIN we all know and love, if it wasn't for this guy. There would be no Kill MotherFucking Depeche Mode without this guy. There would be no good industrial music without this guy. He belongs to that exclusive elite of industrial pioneers such as Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Cabaret Voltaire, Psychic TV, among others, that helped give this genre an identity. This is an edited version of a six-minute song from the Wash/Slog EP, included on the remix album Sink. Obviously happy and filled with enough energy to make you dizzy, I bet you'll at least crack a smile at Ruin's 'supercalifragilisticsadomasochism.'

The Fall - The Classical
Totally switching gears here, I'm back to my old post punk roots and present you The Fall. Another extremely influential band that you cannot NOT give a listen, if you know what's best for you. Just think about this: if you like Pavement, Editors, the Strokes, the Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, the Smiths, Nirvana, or whatever new hipster, flavor-of-the-month band is out there right now, you're unconsciously liking The Fall. Yup, all those guys take from these guys, some more originally and not so shamelessly, though. Hex Induction Hour is a sweet little treat, more melodic than their four previous releases, yet keeping the same noisy formula that they brought to the roster with Live at the Witch Trials. This is a fun song, the riff is too awesome for words, and it's guaranteed to brighten any kind of shitty day.

The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Chicken
I'm being random, I know. I can't have some continuity in this playlist, goddammit! Okay, so I admit I had no interest in this band whatsoever. First, the name is retarded -I'm musically judgmental, which is why I never really liked the Dandy Warhols. I mean, talk about retarded names...- and I have learned in my measly twenty years of existence that stupid bands have stupid names. So no. Second, the whole psychobilly genre is too much of a joke, in my opinion. I know there are lots of good bands representing that 'genre' such as The Cramps, The Gun Club, blah blah, but I don't think that name leads people to think it is worthy of respect. Sorry, it just makes me think it's a hybrid of Elvis and Rozz Williams. Hmmm... Third, the band members actually look like a joke. Seriously, WTF? But then Reznorman came to the rescue and cleaned up the good name of these guys by picking their guitarist, Rich Fownes, as the preliminary bassist for the Lights in the Sky tour. Of course, he kicked him out later and replaced him with the afro-sporting, cool-looking Justin Meldal-Johnsen, of Beck fame, but it was too late, I'd already got a copy of TEMBLD's debut album, Hörse Of the Dög. Fuck me, it was actually not bad. Moral of the story: don't be judgmental, unless you wanna get kicked in the ass. Yes, this is a cool song, the guitar in this song is rather simple, but the instrumentation is pretty well done, and the screams are creepy, but they work this time.

Datarock - The New Song
This was a rec from a good friend. I know I'm the worst kind of picky person when it comes to music, and it takes a little bit of work to get me to like something, which is why some people usually refrain from recommending songs to me. I frustrated my friend with my astounding ability to dislike every single song he sent my way, but at least I liked this one. I'm probably not that bad, then. These guys are from somewhere in Scandinavian Europe, I think. Norway, if I remember correctly. I didn't think Scandinavian Europe had synth music to offer, I thought most of their musical exports were in the metal genre. Then again, I thought Scandinavian Europeans didn't make folk, and... whoops, Kings of Convenience, anyone? Nordic Europe is a progressive, region, I know. This song starts out with a creepy, Phantom-of-the-Opera-like synth part, and then starts to rock. Rock hard! That's cool, cause I hardly ever encounter good electronic music mixed so well with rock. This is a rather short song, but its condensed power is enough to punch you in the face and make you damn angry!

The Clash - White Riot
There's not much I can say about The Clash. They're obviously good. They used to be one of my five favorite bands, at the least, back in '02/'03-ish. They made me like punk rock. They're probably my favorite first-wave punk rock band, as I remember saying on a previous post. That's it. And this song is particularly special. It sounds so old, and so early-punk-rock. So 1976. That's why I love it. It reminds me of such good times... my youth, my friends, NYC. (No, I wasn't alive in '76. My mom was barely four in '76! I just listened to a lot of those early punk rock bands when I was young, like the big music snob that I was). From their debut album, obviously a must-have, this song is filled with kickassery, it screams debauchery!

Butthole Surfers - Dust Devil
Gibby Haynes is a weird man. He and Jello Biafra should get married and have lovely, musical genius babies who would probably make the world a better place. The Butthole Surfers are a noisy, hilarious band that made one of my favorite albums growing up: Independent Worm Saloon. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the American alternative music scene of the '90s; in fact, other than Nine Inch Nails, the occasional Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins play, and some riot grrrl in small doses, I really hate the nineties. But these guys make it all so much better. Sure, maybe because they weren't as overratedplayed as their more commercial counterparts, they were much more interesting. And maybe because Gibby Haynes has a sense of humor, he's not obnoxious like Billy Corgan. Whatever the reason, I will always have a place in mah mangled heart for the Butthole Surfers, and their noisy alt-rock. As a huge fan of sludgy guitars, I picked this song because its face-melting solo towards the end is brilliant.

Fischerspooner - Never Win
This is a more toned-down song, which is the worst transition ever, but what the hell. There's a whole lot of energetic, vibrant songs on Fischerspooner's #1 album to choose from that would fit perfectly in this playlist, but I had to go for the odd one, the only song I have from the Odyssey album. It's the single, the only Fischerspooner song the popular masses have probably heard. It's just so damn good I can't help it! It has that je ne sais quoi that makes me feel rather inspired, hopeful and determined, which is exactly what I need to put up a good fight against school and its bastard work load. (Pardon my French, I seem to be working especially hard on becoming a horribly obnoxious bitch).

The Birthday Party - Zoo Music Girl
Nick Cave makes the list yet again. This man has been the ghost haunting my music selections ever since I was brainwashed into buying my first Birthday Party album. I'm cool with that, so I'm not complaining. Cave's voice is so scary it makes me reach out and hold my stuffed Spongebob Squarepants (forget I mentioned that) every time I hear it. It's even three times scarier in this song. I don't know, this song is supposed to be rather upbeat, but it turned out to be creepier than most, already-disturbing-enough Birthday Party songs. The wind instrumentation is probably to blame. It makes me think of chaos, like a riot in the streets or something like that. I have no idea why I haven't listened to this song as much as, say, Junkyard, but holy shit, it's good. I'm just starting to realize that.

ADULT. - Get Me Out
More electroclash. I'm a big fan of electroclash, as I've probably evidenced already with my OCD-ish thing for Ladytron. ADULT. is a nice badass duo of married people, which I didn't think could be so exciting. I got my first taste of ADULT. when I listened to the Death in Vegas song Hands Around My Throat, which featured Nicola Kuperus on sexy vocals. Haha, actually, this woman's voice is anything but sexy. In fact, it's like a caged banshee screaming to a pulsing synth. That's exactly why I love it. Remember what I mentioned above about synth music mixed with rock? Well, no one does it as good and sexy as El Rezzo, of course, but these guys do pull off a nice eclectic mix. This is from the D.U.M.E. EP, and these guys are from Detroit. I haven't really liked anything from the Midwest this much since probably WaxTrax! so... yeah, two thumbs up.

Pop Will Eat Itself - Wise Up! Sucker
Exactly. Wise up! suckasss and stop listening to shitty numetal! This is another band I was encouraged to like by Trent Reznor. The Poppies were one of the exclusive bands signed with Trent's vanity label, Nothing, and they toured with NIN for a few nights as a part of the Nights of Nothing ensemble. I started listening to them a few years ago, and I really like their Brit-hop style (I have no idea what Brit-hop is, but I made it up as a mix between British and hip hop, which is more like what the Poppies are all about), which I've heard some people call Grebo. It's fun and different and funky. Some claim the Poppies sold out and changed their Grebo formula for a more industrial sound per request of Reznor, so they could fit in with the rest of the Nothing artists, but that's just pointless crap. I really don't see that big a stylistic difference between this record, This Is the Day...This Is the Hour...This is This!, and Dos Dedos Mis Amigos, their '95 Nothing Records release. News flash, people: They have ALWAYS been industrial! The Rezzinator had nothing to do with that! Okay, maybe he did have one minute bit do with that, but that's just cause he's infectious, like a good virus.

Peaches - I Don't Give A...
This bitch is crazy, honestly. Only she could take Joan Jett's iconic punk rock anthem, Bad Reputation, and make it so politically incorrect it makes me blush. It's a short one, but contains more profanity than your average South Park episode, your average Howard Stern show, and your average Cat from Occupied Town blog post. Obviously, she picked up something from Reznor. My guess is, in order to make her worthy of an opening slot for NIN, he trained her in the arts of Proper Fuck Placement, with a little help from my friend Meathead, and taught her a thing or two about screaming. It worked. This is an inspirational song, the kind of song that makes me want to start a revolution and be a badass biatch. Of course, that'll never happen cause I'm a good girl, but at least I can fantasize. Simul? I dont give a fuck!!! Passato prossimo? I dont give a shit!!! Life? I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck, I don't give a fuckkkkk!!! Thank you, Peaches, that was so therapeutic.

Editors - Bones
Post punk revival, in the same melodic vein of Interpol, but not so gloomy and despairing. This song is very hopeful, it gives me warm feelings that only music and my puppy can give. It's obvious that these guys were going to be one of my favorite bands, I'm more predictable than you think, and I'm a sucker for this kind of jams. The guitars in this song, and all Editors songs, for that matter, are rich and gripping, making a good post mortem tribute to Joy Division and the Chameleons. The words are somewhat cheesy, not enough to make me puke, but rather just the right amount.

The Damned - Neat Neat Neat
Another first wave punk rock band. Another band that sounds very '76. These guys initiated a whole movement, yet are underrated and usually forgotten. Truth is, these guys were the first of the whole bunch of punk rock bands to emerge from the hawt Summer of Hate. No one remembers this, though. These guys are just as good as The Clash, just as good as the Sex Pistols, not as good as the Buzzcocks, though, but that's cause the Buzzcocks are not from this planet, and alien forces from Pluto provide them with supernatural abilities to kick ass. I can't talk down on the Damned, their Damned Damned Damned album, where I got this song from, is raw and angsty and adolescent, like only punk rawk can be. Rock on!

Nine Inch Nails - Last
Here it is, my NIN selection for this playlist. I bet you were all waiting for it to show, right? This fucking sexy track belongs to a killer EP entitled Broken, which is capable of giving you a musical beating like no other record can. And, of course, since I'm at war with school and I'm doing this to gather enough courage and strength to win, I had to include anything from Broken. I have so many things to say about this song but can't cause they're all X-rated and explicit. There's something about this blatant aggression, this ear-raping sound that simply turns me on. Also, this is one of the best guitar tracks in the entire NIN catalog, just as good as the epic We're in This Together and the sorrowful The Fragile. I wish I could see this song live, but sadly, Reznor is still quite fond of his vocal chords, so he probably won't submit them to the pain of singing this song ever again. Same goes to WITT, and this is why life sucks.

Eagles of Death Metal - Anything 'cept the Truth
I hated, hated, hated the Eagles of Death Metal. A few months ago I would have rather cut off my ears and pulled a Van Gogh than listen to these guys, but like I said, life sucks, and it hates me. Guess what, I got another beating for being judgmental. I don't like stoner rock, I don't like Kyuss, I don't like the Screaming Trees, I don't like Days of the New, I only like Queens of the Stone Age in small portions, like carbs. Why the hell would I like Eagles of Death Metal? Sure, cause they're not entirely stoner rock. In all honesty, I still don't like them really, but this song is cool. Probably because it's from a brand new album, which maybe doesn't suck donkey genitals. I have had a few nice moments listening to this song, I have had some good feelings listening to this song. I have played air guitar listening to this song (forget I mentioned that, too), and now I'm just obsessed with it. Plus, I think I heard a tambourine mid song. Yay! Tambourine!

The Runaways - Rock & Roll
I didn't like the Runaways at first. Hell, I hardly ever like an all-female band, which is the biggest contradiction and irony ever, since I am entirely sure I hate eighty percent of the male population of this world. I have had this album for a while and never gave it an unbiased listen until a couple months ago. I still don't love it, but it's undeniably fun and catchy and... old! This is what punk rock is all about, and so far I like it more than I like today's formulaic Green Day-inspired pop-punk bullshit. I'm not a fan of either of these chicks as solo artists, but as an ensemble, they made some cool shit. It might be a bit hit or miss to me, but this song is bubbly, but unapproachable at the same time, and the vocals are energetic enough to make the cut.

Skrewdriver - Backstreet Kids
A Nazi band! That's a first! So, I hate these guys with my life just because they dare to encourage a cruel, archaic, outdated and plain dumbass ideology, but their music is quite listenable. I would never support a band that furthers hatred, which is why I didn't even buy this album, I just downloaded it off a blog or something; but at least they weren't all the way into neo-Nazism when they released it. All Skrewed Up contains practically no references to their far-right politics, so I don't feel terribly guilty listening to it. So, kids, xenophobia is bad, but Skrewdriver's All Skrewed Up is okay. It's punk rock, so it's a perfect ammunition to save when the war gets tough.

The Jesus Lizard - Too Bad About the Fire
So, I've covered about every style of music I like in this playlist, and I'm happy about that. Noise rock is somewhat of an acquired taste to me, and to some people also. While I'm not a huge fan of the entire genre, I am a big Steve Albini fan, so I'll automatically try anything he's put his talented paws on. Given that he produced some of their albums, and had considerable input in their music, I couldn't help liking this band. And even though Shot, the album from which this song is taken, was not produced by Albini, I still liked it simply because it's the Jesus fucking Lizard. This song came to me right before I started writing this entry, which seems like a week ago. It's really aggressive and irritable, so proceed with caution.

Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot
LOL, I'm saving this one for when the semester ends and I come out victorious to announce my triumph. This song is very, very, VERY trippy, and dream-like, and sad. And it's also bipolar, because it starts off like that and then switches to noisy-guitar crazy. Kim Gordon's prose is so beautiful and poetic in its spontaneity, so fragile and haunting, like one of those delicate crystal thingees I can't get anywhere near cause I would most likely wind up breaking. One of the best songs ever, it should come as no surprise that it was released in '88, the most awesome year ever. The year Trent Reznor got signed with the backstabbing, money grubbing whores of TVT. The year of The Land of Rape and Honey, Joy Division's Substance, Barbed Wire Kisses, The Serpent's Egg and Bug. Also, the year the world was introduced to the wonderful, charming human being that is yours truly. And this song, thanks to the visual aid of Daydream Nation's cover art, the lit candle standing alone in a dark background, is always encouraging, engaging and poignant.

I started writing this a hell of a long time ago, and now I have to go to school again. I'm not gonna be a total lazy ass and stay home all day! I'm not that big a failure as a human being. I'm content with the feeling of laying out the rules of the game and being ready to fight with all that's in me to keep it together through these dark times. So, it's on, bitch. The war has just begun...

Listening to: She Wants Revenge - Spend the Night
Eating: Nothing until I burn off the outrageously huge dish of pasta I ate last night.
Drinking: Water

January 10, 2009

Top 50 Meme HOLY SHIT!!!

Haha, so I'm back with the same meme I posted a few days ago, but bigger, longer, more pointless. And, since I didn't want to bore you peeps with repetition, I spiced things up a bit and filled it out with my top 50 of the last six months, which is more honest that the overall top 30. Oh, and I put the artist next to the question to save you a bunch of annoying scrolling. Yay!!!

1. How did you get into 29? (The Faint)
Fell in love with their stuff after falling in love with their remix of Meet Your Master on Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D

2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22? (The Kills)
Sour Cherry.

3. What’s your favourite lyric by 33? (Catherine Wheel)
"Love to steal this living steam
My head in someone's dream
I'm tired of sleeping"

4. What is your favourite album by 47? (Spoon)
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. Rhthm & Soul does it for me.

5. How many albums by 13 do you own? (Siouxsie and the Banshees)
Three: Juju, A Kiss in the Dreamhouse and Kaleidoscope.

6. What is your favourite song by 50? (XTC)
Dear God, from Skylarking

7. Is there a song by 39 that makes you sad? (Editors)
Spiders, from An End Has a Start. It's made me shed a few tears of late. Bastard.

8. What is your favourite album by 15? (French Kicks)
Um... I only own one, Swimming so I guess that one.

9. What is your favourite song by 4? (The Knife)
Goddamn it, this is a hard one! Grrr, fineeee! Marble House, from Silent Shout.

10. Is there a song by 6 that makes you happy? (Ladytron)
Sugarrrrrr! Yeah yeah yeah!!!

11. What is your favourite album by 40? (Foetus)

12. What is your favourite song by 10? (Bauhaus)
I guess we already agreed it was Dark Entries.

13. What is a good memory you have involving 30? (Killing Joke)
Writing a funny scene in one of my stories involving their song 'Eighties.'

14. What is your favourite song by 38? (Einstürzende Neubauten)
The fucking Garden, from Ende Neu; Tanz Debil, from Kollaps.

15. Is there a song by 19 that makes you happy? (White Rose Movement)
Pretty much all of their songs make me happy, but Cruella always puts me in a particularly good mood.

16. How many times have you seen 25 live? (Bon Iver)
None, he's a newcomer and because of my location at the moment I can't see any good shows.

17. What is the first song you ever heard by 23? (Feist)
Mushaboom, mushaboom!

18. What is your favourite album by 11? (Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds)
A tie between a classic and a new gem: Tender Prey and Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!

19. Who is your favourite member of 1? (Nine Inch Nails)
Justin Meldal-Johnsen, cause his afro is dead sexy and Scientology is way cool. Haha, fuck youuu!!! What the hell, that's not even a question!!! Michael Reznor, of course!

20. Have you ever seen 14 live? (Cat Power)
Not yet... Just wait, Chan Marshall, one day I will see you live, you awesome biatch!

21. What is a good memory involving 27? (Fischerspooner)
Uh, no. But Never Win is a cool song to take an angry walk to.

22. What is your favorite song by 16? (Skinny Puppy)
Worlock, from Rabies.

23. What is the first song you ever heard by 49? (Current 93)
LOL, repeated question. All the Pretty Little Horses.

24. What is your favourite album by 18? (The Arcade Fire)
Funeral, funeral, funeral. I do like Neon Bible as well.

25. What is your favourite song by 21? (Neutral Milk Hotel)
Oh Comely, from In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. Three Peaches, from On Avery Island.

26. What is the song you don't like by 26? (Peter Murphy)
Hmmm, Dragnet Drag, from Love Hysteria. Not that I absolutely hate it, but I don't love it like I love most of his stuff.

27. What is your favourite album by 3? (The Jesus and Mary Chain)
Grrr, this is harder than picking a favorite song! Darklands and Psychocandy. I can't choose between those two, it's like asking me to choose between one of my kids! (I don't have kids, BTW)

28. What is your favourite song by 2? (New Order)
Sub-culture. Holy shit, I love that song with my heart!

29. What was the first song you ever heard by 32? (PJ Harvey)
Down by the Water. Creepy shit.

30. What is you favourite song by 8? (Felix da Housecat)
Everyone Is Someone in L.A.

31. How many times have you seen 17 live? (Coil)
Are you kidding me? I'd KILL to see Coil live!

32. Is there a song by 44 that makes you happy? (New Model Army)
I Love the World, from Thunder and Consolation.

33. What is you favourite album by 12? (Interpol)
Turn On the Bright Lights.

34. What is the worst song by 45? (Does it Offend You, Yeah?)
I really really dislike Let's Make Out.

35. What is your favourite album by 34? (Tuxedomoon)
Desire/No Tears
36. What do you not like on 48? (TV on the Radio)
Hmmm... If it's about songs, I don't like Staring at the Sun. But otherwise, I love just about everything they've done.

37. How many times have you seen 42 live? (Rosa Yemen)
They don't exist anymore. Not only haven't I seen them, but I will probably never have the chance to. Sucks.

38. What is you favourite song by 36? (The Rapture)
Out of the Races and Onto the Tracks!!!

39. What was the first song you ever heard by 28? (QueenAdreena)
Pretty Like Drugs.

40. What is your favourite album by 7? (Cocteau Twins)
Right now, Head Over Heels.

41. Is there a song by 31 that makes you happy? (Angels of Light)
No. No no no, that would be heresy. It's not meant to make me happy, you know?

42. What is your favourite album by 41? (Adam and the Ants)
Kings of the Wild Frontier. Hell, that is one fucking good album.

43. What is your favorite song by 24? (David Bowie)
Suffragette City, from (The Rise and Fall of) Ziggy Stardust (and the Spiders from Mars). Brings such good memories...

44. What is a good memory you have involving 46? (Swans)
Not one. The only ones I can remember off the top of my head involve lots of tears and pain. So no.

45. What is your favourite song by 35? (KMFDM)
Anarchy, from the (Symbols) album. BTW, I sooo hate YOU for ruining such good music for me. I will never forgive you for fucking up Catherine Wheel too. Asshole!

46. Is there a song by 9 that makes you happy? (Joy Division)
Disorder. It's not supposed to, but it does.

47. What is your favorite album by 5? (Sisters of Mercy)
Haha, I changed my mind and my favorite Sisters album now is First and Last and Always.

48. Who is a favorite member of 37? (Dead Can Dance)
Fucking Lisa Gerrard and her wonderful angel-like, glossolalia-uttering voice.

49. What is the first song you ever heard by 43? (Gary Numan)
Cars. I didn't like it, and I still don't.

50. How many albums do you own by 20? (The Birthday Party)
A compilation album and Mutiny/The Bad Seed.

Listening to: Talk Talk - Today
via FoxyTunes

January 7, 2009

On a More Serious Note...

It's very sad to deliver such news, but I have just found out that former Stooges guitarist, Ron Asheton died. Not only is this bad because I had lots of respect for the guy, but also because I find his death premature and unfair.

His career began in the sixties when he and his brother, Scott, joined the seminal proto-punk band The Stooges, along with drummer Dave Alexander and fronted by the batshit-cuckoo James Osterberg, aka Iggy Pop. The rest is rock & roll history, which with all its ups and downs and hits and misses, evidences and praises the unprecedented raw talent of these four individuals. I particularly admire (Ron) Asheton's will power, his dedication and commitment to his work, all of which were strong enough to veer him away from the doomed path of drugs and perdition that his bandmates had succumbed to. Ron Asheton's career continued after the demise of the Stooges, showcasing his talent in the form of other projects, be them soundracks, cameos in films, new bands, collaborations with fellow musicians; and I am sure he had more to offer to the world, more talent to display in the years to come that he unfortunately took with him the day the fatal heart attack caused his passing.

It's sad to hear that one of your personal heroes has died. It's even sadder to hear that their lifeless body laid unnoticed for days before anyone found it. All I can do now is grieve and hope no one goes through that ever again.

From the left: Scott Asheton, Ron Asheton, Dave Alexander and Iggy.

Wikipedia: The Stooges

Ron Asheton, you will be missed.

I was going to rant and squeal and fangirl about Trent Reznor's belated 'super special holiday gift' but after reading this sad news, I'm just gonna go to bed and hope I wake up in a better mood next morning. I can always rant tomorrow. Unless I die like Mr. Asheton... (I'm such a dumbass sometimes...) In the meantime, I recommend everyone give Fun House a listen. That is the album that made me love the crap out of the Stooges, and Ron Asheton for that matter.

Oh, a friend asked me to be a bridesmaid at her weeding! Yay!!! Too bad it's in Briton land.

Listening to: Ladytron - The Reason Why
via FoxyTunes

(I am in a mournful mood, so no music today).

January 5, 2009

Top 30 Meme

Found this on last.fm and couldn't help filling it out. I am such a sucker for lame, pointless surveys such as this one. This one is in British.

Based on my last.fm charts:

iGotSurvivalism's top 30 artists:

1. Nine Inch Nails
2. The Sisters of Mercy
3. Interpol
4. Joy Division
5. The Jesus and Mary Chain
6. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
7. Siouxsie and the Banshees
8. Bauhaus
9. A Perfect Circle
10. Editors
11. Killing Joke
12. White Rose Movement
13. New Order
14. The Birthday Party
15. Dead Can Dance
16. The Arcade Fire
17. She Wants Revenge
18. Death From Above 1979
19. Swans
20. David Bowie
21. Blonde Redhead
22. The Dresden Dolls
23. Tuxedomoon
24. The Clash
25. Lydia Lunch
26. Current 93
27. Skinny Puppy
28. Cat Power
29. TV on the Radio
30. Foetus

How did you get into 29?
Good ol' Daddy Reznor, as is always the case with most of my favorite bands.

2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22?
Gravity. Didn't like it so much though.

3. How many albums by 13 do you own?
Hmmm, let’s see: Movement, Brotherhood, Low-Life, Power, Corruption & Lies, Substance and Technique. So six.

4. What is your favourite song by 15?
Xavier, from Within the Realm of a Dying Sun.

5. What is your favourite song by 5?
A tie: Darklands, The Living End and Head On =D

6. Is there a song by 6 that makes you happy?
Uh... no? It's Nick fucking Cave, dude!

7. What is your favourite song by 10?
I guess Blood, or Munich.

8. What is a good memory you have involving 30?
Listening to Foetus at school after a crappy exam, sitting in front of a hot guy lol. There was some flirtation involved, until I played I'll Meet You In Poland Baby. Totally killed the mood.

9. Is there a song by 19 that makes you happy?
What the hell? Michael Gira does not make happy music! Um, but Rutting can put a smile on my face sometimes.

10. How many times have you seen 25 live?
Haha, I wish. Nevahhhh!

11. What is the first song you ever heard by 23?
In a Manner of Speaking... I just want to say... awww!

12. What is your favourite album by 11?
The first self titled and Night Time.

13: Who is your favourite member of 1?
Who do ya think? ;) The big man with a gun, doh!

14: Have you ever seen 14 live?
Sadly, they broke up long before I was even born.

15: What is a good memory involving 27?
The scary artwork for Mind: the Perpetual Intercourse.

16. What is your favourite song by 16?
Rebellion (Lies)

17. What is your favourite album by 18?
You're a Woman, I'm a Machine. Like I have any other choice.

18. What is your favourite song by 21?
Futurism vs. Passeism. Fucking ace instrumental!

19. What is the first song you ever heard by 26?
All the Pretty Little Horses, and it scared me a bit, to be honest.

20. What is your favourite album by 2 ?
Used to be Floodland, but since it's so short, I'm starting to really like the compilation album Some Girls Wander by Mistake.

21. What is your favourite song by 3?
THE SCALE!!! And Pace is the Trick.

22. What is you favourite song by 8?
Dark Entries. (Picking favorite songs by certain bands can be quite difficult).

23. How many times have you seen 17 live?
None, and it's not like I'm dying to see them live anyway.

24. What is the worst song by 12?
Not worst, but the only one I don’t listen to is Deborah Carne.

25. What was the first song you ever heard by 28?
Sea of Love. Beautiful.

26. What s you favourite album by 7?
Juju, hands down.

27. What is your favourite song by 24?
Classic. London Calling.

28. Is there a song by 9 that makes you happy?
Noooo! Why the hell does this question only apply to the bleakest shit I listen to??? Although... the video for The Outsider always makes me LOL. But the song is fucked up.

29. What is your favourite album by 4?
Unknown Pleasures. Although I do love everything Joy Division ever made.

30. How many albums do you own by 20?
Only five. Shame on me.

I bet most people who have checked out this blog, or my last.fm page before, know this already. But it was kind of almost sort of fun to do it!

Listening to: QueenAdreena - For I Am The Way
via FoxyTunes

January 2, 2009

First Post of the Year OMG!

Yay! Welcome to 2009, the year everyone's been waiting for. Obama will take over the White House, Nine Inch Nails will announce the last tour dates for the foreseeable future, and Cat will be turning twenty-one. So, let's kick this bitch with the best attitude and lots of chocolate cake! May 09 bring nothing but good vibrations and lots of coolness for all of us. We deserve them. Also, I really wish I (or any of the Chewbaccas) don't screw up on the final final final simul exams. This year is my last one in school, and I'll be damned if I fuck up and get held back. No way.

Last night was cool enough. Everyone wishing one another the best, a lot of weird hugging and other sorts of uncomfortable PDA, food, alcohol, alcohol, tequila, blah... I did miss my puppy, though. I can't imagine how scared the poor thing must have been with all those fireworks going off all at once. I'm okay with how my New Year's went, and I have my friend Alex and her loving family to thank. What would have been yet another lonely night for this sad alien turned into a warm family gathering filled with love... and food. South Americans do love their food. And it sure is fattening food. Still, nothing beats a South American homecooked meal. Oh hell no!

Of course, I have pics documenting this memorable evening:

Alex and I posing by the tree.

Alex's mom puting on some sickkkkk musak! (Oh, please take a minute to admire my shoes... Damn, they do look nice!)

Hello, camera.

Hello, chick.

Mmm, food...

Oooooh, that was lovely. After a quiet family evening, Alex and I headed over to a phat, outrageously expensive club frequented by big headed assholes and stuck up bitches to get started with the celebrations. Unfortunately, my friend, having already overdosed on the aforementioned homecooked meal, forgot to bring the camera along (thank goodness) and we weren't able to capture every wonderful instance of our journey into 2009, or any the post-mortem actions. I can hardly remember how I got home, but one thing I'm sure of: I had fun! And what's even better, there are no embarrassing, incriminating pics of last night! So, if anyone asks, I spend New Year's in the company of my friend's family, because I'm cleaning up my act and getting my shit together this year and stuff like that ;)

... Still, no matter how glorious last night and today's early hours were, nothing will change the fact that THE FIRST OF JANUARY IS THE MOST FUCKING BORING DAY OF THE YEAR!!! Primarily, because everybody is either too drunk/hungover/still drinking/dead to do anything; and those of us who have the blessing of not getting affected by hangovers, and the astounding ability to get sickly bored, have to deal with everyone else's inability to even move. So fuck it, today was the most horrible day of the year. A year that hasn't even started yet.

The year will officially start today. A friend is having surgery in merely a few hours and I will be with her at the hospital. That means I should be sleeping already. (Sometimes I hate being such a fucking insomniac, but my sleep pattern is too fucked up to even try and fix it).

Thank you, Alex and family, for making me feel so at home.


Oh, and you, horrible lurker, you know who you are... STOP ITTTT!!! Don't think I can't see you, I can see everything! And you're too predictable anyways! So cut it outtttt and get over it! I am DEAD to you and you have no business prying into my life like a sad little puppy... it's NOT working, ok? So FUCK YOU!!! (Yes, it's the first time I tell you this, but for God's sake, you more than deserve it, and I've been way too nice to you!)

Enough rambling, off to bed now.

Listening to: Mahogany - Tesselation, Formerly Plateau One
via FoxyTunes