March 5, 2009

A Note to the Flawed Species:

Hey fucker(s), guess what? Someone outdid you. So suck on that!

Really, I'm at a loss for words right now.

Thank you.

Listening to: Agrypnia - A Song for Catherine (harmony 2)
via FoxyTunes


  1. Pissed, speechless, but thankful???

  2. lol, yes. I hate men in general, but some can still put a smile on my face every once in a while.

  3. Heh, I noticed FoxyTunes seems to think the most likely band responsible for that song there is either this guy or something called "DJ Clro & Gianni Agry", of which I've never heard. Hm, I wonder what the melody would sound like if an Agrypnie-style harmony was put to it... ? ;)

  4. lol, "something called..." That Agrypnie person looks awfully goth. Oops, it's black metal. Ugh, thank goodness it's not you. If I was you, I'd send them Foxy Tunes peeps a note telling them to f*** off. Black metal, ew.
