Thank goodness people started using their brains again and made the right choice after eight years of poor decisions, disappointments, meltdowns and
"misunderestimations." I have faith in humanity again. Not really, but I'll try and be less critical of you fellow humans from now on. I feel happy and inspired and hopeful. Goddamn, Mr. Obama is one hell of a good public speaker. Seriously, I wouldn't mind interpreting him (simultaneously) for the rest of my life! And I HATE HATE HATE simul!
Yay! I got Barack'd!!!
... Some love for El Rezzo too, as always.
(Get your own at You have to register first and it's a bit of a hassle, but it's kind of cool after that).Oooooh... this was such a beautiful day. It almost made me want to voluntarily do homework.
Listening to:
Wire - Former Airlinevia FoxyTunes
hehehe ;)