Last night was cool enough. Everyone wishing one another the best, a lot of weird hugging and other sorts of uncomfortable PDA, food, alcohol, alcohol, tequila, blah... I did miss my puppy, though. I can't imagine how scared the poor thing must have been with all those fireworks going off all at once. I'm okay with how my New Year's went, and I have my friend Alex and her loving family to thank. What would have been yet another lonely night for this sad alien turned into a warm family gathering filled with love... and food. South Americans do love their food. And it sure is fattening food. Still, nothing beats a South American homecooked meal. Oh hell no!
Of course, I have pics documenting this memorable evening:
Alex and I posing by the tree.
Alex's mom puting on some sickkkkk musak! (Oh, please take a minute to admire my shoes... Damn, they do look nice!)
Hello, camera.
Hello, chick.
Mmm, food...
Oooooh, that was lovely. After a quiet family evening, Alex and I headed over to a phat, outrageously expensive club frequented by big headed assholes and stuck up bitches to get started with the celebrations. Unfortunately, my friend, having already overdosed on the aforementioned homecooked meal, forgot to bring the camera along (thank goodness) and we weren't able to capture every wonderful instance of our journey into 2009, or any the post-mortem actions. I can hardly remember how I got home, but one thing I'm sure of: I had fun! And what's even better, there are no embarrassing, incriminating pics of last night! So, if anyone asks, I spend New Year's in the company of my friend's family, because I'm cleaning up my act and getting my shit together this year and stuff like that ;)
... Still, no matter how glorious last night and today's early hours were, nothing will change the fact that THE FIRST OF JANUARY IS THE MOST FUCKING BORING DAY OF THE YEAR!!! Primarily, because everybody is either too drunk/hungover/still drinking/dead to do anything; and those of us who have the blessing of not getting affected by hangovers, and the astounding ability to get sickly bored, have to deal with everyone else's inability to even move. So fuck it, today was the most horrible day of the year. A year that hasn't even started yet.
The year will officially start today. A friend is having surgery in merely a few hours and I will be with her at the hospital. That means I should be sleeping already. (Sometimes I hate being such a fucking insomniac, but my sleep pattern is too fucked up to even try and fix it).
Thank you, Alex and family, for making me feel so at home.
Oh, and you, horrible lurker, you know who you are... STOP ITTTT!!! Don't think I can't see you, I can see everything! And you're too predictable anyways! So cut it outtttt and get over it! I am DEAD to you and you have no business prying into my life like a sad little puppy... it's NOT working, ok? So FUCK YOU!!! (Yes, it's the first time I tell you this, but for God's sake, you more than deserve it, and I've been way too nice to you!)
Enough rambling, off to bed now.
Listening to: Mahogany - Tesselation, Formerly Plateau One
via FoxyTunes
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