December 30, 2010

A Year in Bullshit

In case you haven't been tuning up lately, here's what happened this year that made it so "special":

  • I quit my old horrible job and got another one that [didn't] suck. 
  • I finished school.
  • My big mouth got me #1 in my dean's shitlist. 
  • I made great friends.
  • I got in a lot of trouble.
  • I went to NYC and had a great time buying lots of things.
  • I saw Swans live at the Bowery Ballroom.
  • I signed up for driving lessons (NEW!)
  • For the first time in my life, my mother is cooking New Year's dinner. (NEW!)
  • I got to a point where I was mostly stable, only to have everything crap out on me and push me back to complete and utter disaster.
  • I tasted kulfi.
  • I fell in love with kulfi.
  • I used a CAT tool for the first time.
  • I deleted my entire music collection, yet again. I'm actually very impressed with myself, cause this time I actually sent my entire hard disk drive's contents into total oblivion. My stupidity apparently knows NO bounds.
  • I became inappropriate and nasty, and developed quite a crass vocabulary (via "a penis dipped in bullshit").
  • Trent Reznor had a baby and released the How to Destroy Angels EP, the single most narcissistic, uncreative and self-indulgent piece of crap to be released under Reznor's name. Then he released the soundtrack for the Social Network, and THAT became the most narcissistic, uncreative and self-indulgent piece of crap ever released under his name. Sadly, I now know he won't be able to reproduce the miracle of The Fragile ever again, and I've reconciled with those feelings of frustration to find peace. On a lighter note, thanks to a friend, The Fragile has experienced an impressive revival in my music library and now I can't seem to get enough of it. Again.
  • I think I might have found my new best friend.
  • I bought a dildo, which I haven't used, ever.
  • Lots of people died. LOTS of people. RIP all y'all.
  • To my mother's joy, I gained some weight. To my joy, I have now lost it.
  • I think I might have found reasons to love myself. I am getting there.
  • I found the light and I know what I want to do for the rest of my life: Save the world. I now know what I want to do for my Master's: Human Rights.
  • Lots of people had their naked pictures leaked online.
  • I learned to control my drinking. I hardly ever drink anymore, and if I do, I do it wisely. 
  • I changed my legendary iPod for a Sony Walkman mp3 player. Not sure if that was the best choice. 
  • Music this year kind of sucked. It REALLY sucked. I will get on that later, when I have a little free time. 
  • I learned a new, highly marketable skill: SEO.
  • I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and graduation finally seems to be in the near future. 
  • I found out I would be losing one of my best friends soon. :(
  • Music obsessions this year: HEALTH, UNKLE, Swans (of course), Nick Drake, Concrete Blonde, HTRK, Siouxsie and the Banshees, PJ Harvey and the Once OST.
  • My friends were dearly missed. I realize I neglected lots of them this year, and I plan on doing something about it in '11.
  • I think this year I managed to suck a little more than the last. I will probably say this exact same thing next year.
  • Lady GaGa didn't die.
Other than that, I think this year was quite ordinary. See you all in 2011 and I hope you guys are having a better time than I am. 

P.S. Tomorrow, I will upload a video of my eye here. It's easily one of the funniest things I've done all year.


December 17, 2010

Welcome to North Korea

It's really frustrating when things around you start to change for the worse, and there's no way to stop it.

My job used to be cool. Very cool. Now it's like a pressure cooker and we're all stuck in it with no room to fucking breathe.

Ya know what they did? They put bans on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube so we can't log in from our computers.  So we can work and slave away and produce, produce, produce more money for a heartless owner who really doesn't give a shit about anything but himself.

Seriously, are we doing that bad that such measures need to be taken?


December 13, 2010

Huge Barrels of AIDS

This is going to sound too damn cliche coming from me.

I hate attention whores, fame whores, no-good sluts and anyone who's famous for doing absolutely nothing.

I believe in fairness and earning one's money the right way. The world is already unfair enough with all the genocides and wars and social inequality to be letting ordinary sluts take control of the entire planet.

Who cares what Miley Cyrus smoked on her birthday? We all know she's doomed to have a sex tape leaked on the internet soon, and her rehab stint is probably already paid for. Why is it surprising the kid is doing drugs? And why do we care she is? I bet we wouldn't care that much if it was one of our own friends doing it. We wouldn't even give a shit if we ourselves did it!

"Lindsay is my role model."

And what about Kim Kardashian's ass? I know LOTS of women with an ass just as big as hers, and I don't see them naked all over the internet. In fact, I know people whose big asses are far more talented than Kim Kardashian's will ever be, and I don't see them making big bucks for showing up at parties and blowing crusty ass dudes.

Big talent

Seriously, die already. I really hope all these girls fall into a huge pool of AIDS with their eyes wide open and go the fuck away. They really don't do anything for humanity, and the world wouldn't suffer if they were gone. Maybe lots of nerdy sociopaths will cry at the loss of their daily supply of masturbatory material, but I am pretty sure they would find a replacement soon. Hentai would be a good choice.

Thanks to my good friend Eduardo for coining the term "barrel of AIDS" and letting me use it, as well as its myriad variations. Kim Kardashian's ass is a huge barrel of AIDS. 

November 27, 2010

I Am NOT a Social Butterfly!

INFP - "Questor". High capacity for caring. Emotional face to the world. High sense of honor derived from internal values. 4.4% of total population.
Free Jung Personality Test (similar to Myers-Briggs/MBTI)

Now playing: My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - Rivers Of Blood, Years Of Darkness
via FoxyTunes

November 7, 2010

Future Perfect

Lately I've been thinking about the future in ways I never had before. I guess that's what happens when you grow up. Even though the core of my interests and goals has remained more or less the same, I've been re-prioritizing ideas and shifting focus from one set of plans to another. And as this has been taking place, new ideas and interests have begun to emerge. Everything is changing and I've been stuck in a changeless world way too long to know how to take it. So, I've decided to write down a list of things I want to do, careers I'd like to pursue, plans I'd like to carry out and dreams I'd like to fulfill in the near and not-so-near future, so I can go back to it and remind myself of what I once wanted, if I ever forget it. I won't bother to sort them in order of importance because I'd spend much longer trying to figure that out than my life allows me to give to one single blog post.

  1. Get a Master's degree in human development/human rights/human-related issues: I've been struggling with career issues for the last 10 years, and I've finally found something I feel absolutely passionate about.
  2. Study fashion design: Won't take me long. I don't need a degree, just need to know that I can do it.
  3. Become a radio DJ: I might be prepared to do the job. I might.
  4. Move to New York City: I really don't need to explain this.
  5. Become a human rights activist: Closely related to point #1, I'd like to start here.
  6. Open my own tea shop: I'm pretty sure it's the one business I wouldn't get bored of.
  7. Learn how to drive: This is happening soon, I promise. Serious. (fingers crossed)
  8. Travel to Asia: I figured, if I am one of the very few people who wouldn't mind taking a six-connection flight, I am bound to fly everywhere the wind blows. I plan on traveling the ENTIRE world, including Antarctica, but I'll start with Asia because they have wonderful tea. When in Asia, I plan on going to Iran too, JSYK.
  9. Learn how to play the drums: It seems like the obvious thing to do, right? If I love music, I should play an instrument. I chose the drums cause they are badass.
  10. Live in Norway: I love Scandinavia. If I could marry a country, I would become polygamous and marry all three Scandinavian countries. I wish all countries were like them.
  11. Have three dogs: I already have one, but because of space restrictions, I can't get more. Hope this changes soon.
  12. Have a small, powerful laptop: I know I can find one, I just need to look further.
  13. Be smart: I know school won't make you smart, but I think it can help me a great deal. A Ph.D wouldn't be too bad.
  14. GRADUATE!!!: This is priority #1 right now. Until I can cross this out of the list, I will not be happy. This needs to happen next year.
  15. Write something worthwhile and get paid for it: It's not about the money, but the satisfaction of knowing my writing is worth a damn.

That seems to be pretty much all for now. I will update this periodically if any new interests shall come up. I'm sure, if I manage to do at least five things on this list, I'll be happy.

Now playing: Warpaint - Set Your Arms Down
via FoxyTunes

October 25, 2010

If I Could Bring Them Back to Life, I'd...

Lately I've been thinking about the importance for bands to be touring periodically. Other than mere finance matters, bands need to tour to feed their fans with the appropriate fix of live music every once in a while to keep themselves vital and fresh in the music world. Some bands are able to keep the tour thing going for a while, even long after they've broken up and parted ways, because of course, money doesn't grow on trees. Some others play the "reunion" thing and stage a completely bullshit-filled "reformation" only so they can sell lots of tickets. For extra impact, some bands do the "farewell tour" thing, or something to that effect. And some other bands, usually the really awesome ones, never really tour, and if they do or ever did, it is/was impossible for me to attend their shows.

There are a few bands I wish I could bring back from band demise heaven, or hope their asses go broke so they can stage a fucking reunion tour and let me see them live. (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!)

Joy Division: Given. I just had to say it. Poor Ian killed himself way too early in the game. I'm pretty sure, had he stayed alive, he would have stopped touring a long time ago. From what I've heard, their live shows weren't exactly awesome, but the band was just too fucking legendary to miss.

Video bonus: Transmission and She's Lost Control ('79)

Dead Can Dance: My sources tell me there might be a reunion tour in '11, as well as a new album. Definitely a must. Can't bring myself to say anything bad about Lisa Gerrard or Brendan Perry, even though she's a Bible nut and he's a drunk. Oops.

Video bonus: Cantara ('94)

Morphine: Great band whose promising career came to an abrupt end after the lead singer's death onstage in '97. Wish I'd been at their very last show. That would make a great story to tell my grandchildren.

Video bonus: Buena ('90)


Video bonus: [insert widely overrated Beatles song here]

Concrete Blonde: Currently on tour in Australia. Played some shows in the US before that to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Bloodletting, and of course, I was not there while this was happening. With my luck, the band will get into a nasty, Bernard-Sumner-versus-Peter-Hook kind of fight and will hate each other so much they won't ever, ever, ever play together again, not even in hell.

Video bonus: Heal It Up ('10)

Bauhaus: Reformed for like a minute in '08 but didn't tour cause Peter Murphy is such a little drama queen. I'm not sure how good the show would be now that they're all old and balding but I like the music enough to give them a shot.

Video bonus: Bela Lugosi's Dead ('82)

Xmal Deutschland: A huge fan of pretty much all their work, including their poppy last album, I wish I'd been old enough to see them back in the 80's when they were touring. Instead, I got to grow up in the '90s and endure endless plays of Smells Like Teen Spirit on the radio and Oasis shows in every city on the planet. Life sucks.

Video bonus: Polarlicht ('85)

A Perfect Circle: There's like a gazillion rumors of a possible reunion tour/album, but nothing concrete to keep the spark of hope alive. Until I see Maynard James Keenan and Billy Howerdel off their lazy half naked asses onstage playing Passive, I will consider them as dead and long gone. As a bonus, I saw a tweet by Danny Lohner today where he mentioned that APC were rehearsing. One can only hope.

Video bonus: Sleeping Beauty ('00)

Every other post punk/goth/new wave/synthpop/industrial band that was playing shows in the late '70s-early '80s and no longer is: I'm sure Cabaret Voltaire, The Birthday Party, Coil and Fad Gadget were all such a trip live. I was born in the wrong era, sadly, and these bands are no longer playing. God hates me. He doesn't exist and he still hates me. That's how much he hates me.

Video bonus: Cabarer Voltaire - Kino ('86)

Siouxsie and the Banshees: I know they are already included in the above, but I had to write a separate entry for them because they are not just a post punk/goth/new wave/synthpop/industrial band in my eyes, but one of the most inspirational and uncompromised acts in the post punk era. I still can't get over how SUPERB Nocturne is. Makes me wonder how utterly fantastic they were live.

Video bonus: Sin in My Heart ('81) and Israel with Robert Smith ('83)

Cocteau Twins: Are they included in the post punk/goth/new wave/synthpop/industrial band category? Yes? No? Fuck. I miss them dearly. Liz Fraser is... ahem, interesting.

Video bonus: Musette and Drums ('83)

Angels of Light: Their future is uncertain. With Gira reforming Swans and touring with them for a new album, the Angels of Light have been placed in the very flattering backburner until Gira decides that Swans are Dead (again) and goes back to his more acoustic and melancholic venture. Their catalog has a lot of powerful, deeply disturbing songs that I wish I could see performed in a live setting and find out if that way they'd still make me cry.

Video bonus: Nations ('01)

Lard: Jello Biafra needs to stop touring with the Dead Kennedys, get Al Jourgensen out of his coffin and reform Lard. No offense to DK, but Lard has its moments. And I'm pretty sure the Biafra-Jourgensen combo is a machine onstage.

Video bonus: Forkboy ('04)

Option 30: The dance. Oh my god, the dance. I wouldn't even care if they played Justin Bieber backwards over a crazy Tibetan chant, as long as I got to see Trent do the little dance and wear the little outfits. Then again, I don't think that look would be too becoming on present-day Trent Reznor. I liked him better when he was just a little punk doing his little dance and playing bad Police-influenced new wave.

Video bonus: Gotta Look Sharp (circa '85)

Any Krautrock band (even Faust, which is a little ew sometimes): I bet they were the shit back in the day when there was nothing really interesting going on other than mainstream Pink Floyd (meh) and underground bands like Silver Apples (less meh). I really admire the work of some of these bands, and if I could go back in time for a day or two, I'd go to '72 and buy a hipster vinyl of the freshly released Ege Bamyasi.

Video bonus: Can - Vitamin C ('72)

Brainiac: Another band that didn't get to fade away into mediocrity like every other band because of the death of its lead singer. I was really hooked on this band a few years ago. It was actually one of the first electropunk bands I actually liked. Maybe I liked them cause they sounded too punk rock to be electronic. I can only imagine the kind of crazy AWESOME shows they played... *sigh*

Video bonus: To the Baby Counter ('94)

Sometimes I really don't like being young.

Now playing: Have A Nice Life - Bloodhail
via FoxyTunes

October 19, 2010

Boring and Expected Swans Show Review

Hello dear friends. I am back from a joyful and very relaxing 2 week quasi-vacation in NYC and life is good. My lovely bf and I had a wonderful time in the city (though I probably had a better time than he did, cause I shopped a lot), and one of the highlights of our stay in NY was that we were able to see Swans live.

For those of you unfamiliar with the band, Swans are one of the most important and influential bands to come out of the famous No Wave era in New York. This was back in 1982. They remained together and released many albums -- though with a different musical direction -- throughout the '80s and most of the '90s, until they disbanded in 1997. Band leader Michael Gira then took on several other projects as a solo artist, producer and member of other bands, until he announced in 2010 that the band would reunite for a new album and tour.

My boyfriend and I are both avid Swans fans, and this announcement was very pleasant for us to learn. We had been talking about spending some time in New York City before finding out about the tour, but nothing had been formally planned. One day, my boyfriend surprised me with two tickets to the Swans' show at NYC's Bowery Ballroom on Oct. 9, 2010, and immediately, our plans were made.

Most people who know Swans and/or have heard any of their live albums are aware of the incredibly loud performances they put on. I was aware of this, but given the extent and diversity of the Swans' catalog, my fears of a sound-induced coma were dispelled. Of course, I was expecting a warm, rather mellow show that encompassed every aspect of Swans, from their harsh beginnings to their softer, more melodic and rather romantic works. And of course, I was punched in the face when everything I expected was soon shattered into a million tiny pieces. I am not saying, under any circumstances, that this was a bad show, or that I am unhappy with the setlist. I will explain in detail later, but first things first: the opening act.

Opening acts are usually hit or miss with the crowd. For any band, picking an opening act that personifies the future of music in a good way and also carries on the values of the headliner is a rather difficult task. Truth is, the audience is there to see the headliner, and the opener is just an added bonus that the audience could do well without, in most cases. There might be cases where the opening act is just as relevant to the audience as a headliner, but that would usually happen on a person-to-person basis rather than as a whole. I know I haven't attended a show where I was more interested in seeing the openers than the headliners, although I do recall a situation where that could be applied, and I talked about that briefly here. In my case, and my boyfriend's case as well, we were not very enthused about seeing Baby Dee open for Swans.

We were both surprisingly content with Baby Dee's set. The music was simple -- just a violin and a cello accompanying Dee's voice and harp playing -- and the lyrics were crazy, with a sense of depth and good humor at times. Both musicians in her band were very skilled, and played gracefully to her half-sung-half-recited lyrics.

Her set was not very long, but it was a nice one. If anything, it gave me some expectations for the show. If a lo-fi, acoustic act opened for Swans, then Swans would play their more recent, less brutally noisy stuff... Wrong.

They kicked off the set with like 10 minutes of really loud feedback. I mean really loud. It was so loud, even some of the diehard Swans fans started to put on earplugs. Then Thor Harris, of Shearwater (and carpentry) fame, came out to play the chimes in the back over the deep layers of feedback.

The rest of the band, including Michael Gira and two extra brass players came out to join in on the noise, playing their instruments as hard as humanly possible. At this point, I am pretty sure blood came out from inside my ears. I was in pain, but it was a good kind of pain.

Remember what I mentioned earlier about my expectations for this show? The band played deconstructed and prolonged versions of early songs and songs from their new album, My Father Will Guide Me Up a Rope to the Sky.

Getting to the venue early allowed us to secure a spot on the first row. We were standing on the left, so we were right in front of Christoph Hahn and Thor, who was in the back. Gira kept most of the show facing away from the audience, and turning to the right, so most of the pictures I have of him are of his ass, like the one above. I didn't have the best view of the rest of the band who were on my right, so I have very few pictures of Norman Westberg, Phil Puleo (whose picture I couldn't take at all), or bassist Chris Pravdica. At least Hahn posed for a few of my pictures, as shown below.

This was before he (and the rest of the band) took off their shirts. Ahem, moving on...

Highlights of the show were a long and loud instrumental solo mid setlist, and the incredible Beautiful Child, from one of my favorite Swans albums, Children of God. After Eden Prison, a song from their latest album, the band thanked the audience and retreated. A minute later they came back for the encore -- a sweet spoken-word kind of number called Little Mouth, which Gira affectionately dedicated to his wife and Angels of Light bandmate, Siobhan Duffy.

The band thanked the audience one last time, sent guitar picks and drumsticks out to the crowd as souvenirs and posed for pictures as they left. I was able to snap a pretty awesome picture of Thor as he posed for the audience. Gira also makes a nice appearance on the right.

I also got some little souvenirs of my own.

The show was incredible, and we both enjoyed it a lot. The noise cruelly raped my ears with the fury of a depraved maniac, but at least I was able to recover my hearing within the next couple of days.

Every Swans fan should get the chance to see this show. Really, it was too good for words. The whole band showed an incredible amount of skill on the set, and it was very amusing to see them give it their all onstage, despite the fact that they are well into their fifties now. As a suggestion, I would tell them to keep their shirts on for the next shows, but a few saggy tummies were easy to bear with when they gave us such great music. I should post a pic of me wearing the Swans t-shirt I got at the show. Here's the full setlist, in case you were wondering.

In the following days, my boyfriend found a slew of pictures and videos where, unfortunately, we are featured. Here's a screencap from someone's video, where I elegantly highlighted my face and my boyfriend's head, for extra convenience.

You can watch a some videos from the show if you click on this dandy playlist assembled by my bf.

Just to make this review extra professional and journalistic, here's a pic of me and my bf on the train. <3

It actually hurt to try to write a serious review. I will continue with my usual blathering and cursing from now on. Sorry for this momentary lapse of politeness.


Now playing: Joy Division - The Kill
via FoxyTunes

September 22, 2010

Too Much Hatorade

Okay, so here’s the deal. I am SICK of people asking me why I don’t like such and such band and having to justify myself every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME. Because I like rock music, people tend to associate rock with certain bands that I have never got/enjoyed/bothered to check out. So, instead of having to explain, I will refer all those wondering idiots to this post right here.

Bands I dislike that everyone else likes:

The Beatles

I don’t know, maybe I don’t like them because they’re everybody’s favorite? I don’t know. I get why some people cream their pants to the mere mention of their name – to some extent – but I don’t share their sentiments. They have an extensive catalog, most of which I am not familiar with (shame on me, I have an uneducated opinion on the Beatles, boo-hoo), but as such, this catalog has spawned a crapload of singles and popular songs that have become part of our every day lives in this depraved society. Therefore, my learning of their entire catalog (which would possibly take me a good 30 years of my life) seems to be completely unnecessary. For most of the Beatles’ songs I’ve heard have not impressed me. That is why.


Or MUSE, as per their logo. You know what? I gotta admit, I jumped on the Muse bandwagon back in ‘07 when I had personality issues and also had a brief dark episode when I saw myself attracted to AFI’s first three albums. So this time I am familiar with their music. If you get past the pompousness and pretentious attitude, you’ll find that Muse has brought very little as far as originality to the big sphere of things. They’re sort of a less depressing Radiohead. I think that’s their ultimate goal: becoming the next Radiohead. That kind of thing is a no-no in my book. NEXT!


Ok, here we go. The nineties are my least favorite music era. This band is about fifty percent of the reason. Not only because their music has been present in our lives to this date, seeping into tiny little aspects of one’s existence until it becomes evil manipulative brainwash, but also because thanks to Kurt Cobain, being dirty and not washing your hair became cool. I am the kind of person who likes to shower and wear clean clothes. I also like to speak things that make sense and I choose not to hang out with ugly coked-up skanks, so I see why Cobain and I have different views as to what good music is. Here’s the deal, Cobain was neither a skilled musician, nor a poet. His lyrics never made any sense, to his own admission. People just think waay too much. I guess there’s probably some good things about Nirvana, but I will never find out what they are, cause I hate them. And I guess I hate them because…

Pearl Jam

Holy shit! I can’t even potentially try to be professional and polite about these dudes. I don’t get it. See, the way I see Pearl Jam, they’re one of those high school garage bands that gets together to play instead of doing homework. That’s cool, but only as a pastime until it’s time for college. These dudes’ time for college was back in 1994. That god awful song Black makes my blood boil, seriously.

Ya know what, I’m gonna make a statement right here: Grunge in general makes me go apeshit. I do not like grunge. End of story.

Roxy Music

Poppier than T-Rex, less flamboyant than Bowie, they kind of fell short against the tough competition in the 70’s glam rock arena. They’re kind of huge yawn machine to me.

Vampire Weekend

Music made by preppy frat boys for preppy hipster assholes. I am not either of those things so I find this shit dull, unoriginal and… brown (I have synesthesia, lol). Vampire Weekend is as interesting to me as reading the ingredients on a cereal box. NOT interesting.


I think her personality might be more interesting than her music. I know she brought some “new” things to the table, and at the time she was a little original, but it’s been a while now, and a little thing called trip hop came around about at the same time as she did, which is a billion times cooler than anything she’s ever done. I like her outfits though. I wouldn’t wear them, but I’d certainly talk about them with my friends behind her back.

The Doors

My boyfriend’s words: Overhyped, protohipster bullshit (ok, the bullshit part was all mine). Something about that keyboard makes me want to scream and then jump off a balcony and then kill myself. And then come back from the dead and kill whoever played The Doors near me. That is it. Hate for hate’s sake.

Linkin Park

Oh god, do I really need to explain? Jesus H, these emo bastards have made a career out of selling angst to angsty Hot Topic goths looking for “meaning” in their lives. I’ve had enough of that shit already, no one buys your suffering when you live in Beverly Hills, have a trophy wife and drive a Lamborghini. (like we say in Spanish, al que le caiga el guante, que se lo chante!)


Guns n’ Roses

Axl is an asshole. Even if they had the potential to be cool, he had to ruin it by changing the band’s lineup like it was his underwear. In fact, I think he changed the lineup more than he changed his underwear. Besides, one gets pretty sick of hearing Sweet Child O’Mine everywhere. Get over it, dude.

The Killers

They were never indie, NEVER. Whoever says they listen to indie and then lists this band as one of their favorites, they need to go here ASAP. Just like The Bravery and the Scissor Sisters, this is one of many electro pop bands trying to feed on the indie hype of bands like Interpol and The Strokes, which are not electro at all.

The Postal Service, Death Cab for Cutie, Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, The Subways, Bloc Party [insert former-indie-now-mainstream-band name]

Some of these bands might have started off on a good note, and then too much money, fame and Pitchfork kissassery got to their heads and they began to suck. Some of these bands were famous because they ripped off great bands like Gang of Four and The Fall, who are cool and, by association, made them cool. Some of these bands are just really gay and emo. I don’t know, I’m really picky, what can I say?


Yes, I said it. No, I don’t like Queen. They were just good at being a rock band. They had the whole image thing down. As far as music, there were other bands pushing the limits and coming up with interesting stuff at the same time as these dudes were writing songs like Radio GaGa, and no one cared to give them the attention they deserved. Freddie Mercury was really emo, btw.

There’s a lot more, but I think this pretty much sums it up. This post and my account should give you a pretty good idea of what I like and what I don’t. Don’t ask. Thank you.

Now playing: LCD Soundsystem - All I Want
via FoxyTunes

September 20, 2010

My Boss Is Cooler than Your Boss

Last time he went on a trip, he brought me vitamin E and folic acid. This time he brought me this:

(excuse the "I'm gonna kill you" face, please)

It DROWNS me, I know, but it's the intention what counts. Boys never know how to pick clothes for girls anyway.

I am now the proud owner of my first NIN t-shirt.

Thank you, Jimmy.

Now playing: Palmbomen - Moon Children
via FoxyTunes

September 13, 2010

Indie Is Weird

Sometimes I get it, but sometimes it makes me want to go on a killing spree and annihilate everyone and anything in plaid. I have hipster friends, and they're cool, but dear God, how I wish they weren't so... hip.

Zooey Deschanel is NO goddess, JSYK. I prefer the likes of Johnette Napolitano or Siouxsie. Cause I'm an old-school, stuck in the 80's black-wearing goth bitch.

Fuck you.

How's your hipster radar? Can you spot one from miles away? Just follow the smell.

And let's play.

Now playing: Concrete Blonde - Heal It Up
via FoxyTunes

Stuff I Discovered

Wow. Really? I never, swear to god, NEVER thought I was a complainer. Nope.

And here I was, thinking I didn't use my brain at all.

Go HERE to analyze your blog.

Now playing:
Grinderman - Bellringer Blues
via FoxyTunes

September 11, 2010

Google Analytics Rocks My Socks Off

For the two or three readers of my blog who know me in real, troll-free life, it is no secret that I do SEO for a living. I'm not proud of it, but it's a job that pays the bills and provides an endless supply of laughs and retarded moments to make it worth my while. Sometimes.

For those who don't know what SEO is, let me explain. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. The main goal of SEO is getting clients' websites ranking high on Google, preferably in the first three spots of page 1. This entails rather meticulous and somewhat screwy keyword analysis, link building, content posting on various outlets, and an overall knowledge of internet resources and tricks. Basically, what SEO does is trick Google into thinking that one's page is relevant for whatever we want it to be. Some fans consider it an art. I don't quite go to that extent, but I have become somewhat fond of it.

One of my co-workers is probably currently running for biggest SEO geek in the history of the world (facing strong opposition from similar geeky types with awkward aspirations of coolness), and he believes he can sell anyone anything through the power of SEO. I honestly think it is an excellent marketing resource that, done well and with some effort put into it, can bring out great results. I intend to use SEO as a means to support myself while in Norway, but I promise I will only do it in an ethical, non-exploitative manner. Cause I have morals and principles and I am a good person who will go to heaven.

But, the more I inhabit this universe, the more I realize that people are and will inevitably continue to be stupid until the Mayan-predicted apocalypse wipes us off the face of the Earth in 2012, or a meteorite/Sun/Moon/Chewbacca obliterates our wonderful little planet. People will pay hundreds of dollars for shit. I could literally grab a turd, wrap it in a nice package, put a nice, colorful ribbon on top of it and sell it for $50, if I know how to sell it. I could just make up some bullshit about it being a magical turd shat by Jesus himself that will bestow good luck, incredible sexual powers and tons of money upon its fortunate bearer, and people will gladly pay for it and carry it around in their pocket. We are inherently drawn to pretty things, and we have been raised in a compulsively shop-aholic society. We buy, cause that's how we support society and our country's economy. If we lived in Cuba or North Korea, we would be completely different human beings, and we wouldn't have the need to come up with bullshit like SEO to sell our turds. Then again, if we lived in Cuba or North Korea, we wouldn't even have internet to begin with. In fact, if we lived in Cuba or North Korea, this blog wouldn't even exist, which arguably would be better for everyone in the long run... but I digress.

So I ask myself, if everyone is capable of buying anything, and even I have been subjected to the evil powers of marketing and advertising, and have bought my FAIR, SUPER FAIR share of crap, and have already dished out a good load of money that I don't have for those assholes selling it, why can't I just sell crap and make a good living out of it? Cause I'm a good person who will go to heaven? Well, let's start by saying I don't believe in heaven. So there you go. I don't believe in hell either, so I fear no repercussions. Second, I will not be forcing people to give me their money. I will carefully suggest that they buy from me, pointing out the positive aspects of the product they will be acquiring. No one said anything about it being a treacherous transaction. Third, I will NOT sell turds. If I ever decide on something to sell, it will appeal to people's innermost passions, those things that touch people deep down. I will make people happy. There's always time to spread the love.

My boyfriend and I have casually come up with products we could potentially sell. I will not reveal any of them because our ideas are too cool and groundbreaking to be released ever-so-slightly, but we have them and people will know about them soon, if we do our SEO well. Who knows, maybe we will "fight the keyword battle and win the SEO war" (inside joke -- this is what SEO freaks say, FOR REAL).

If you have any questions about the wonderful art of SEO, please contact, feel free to send any business ideas that could benefit from the great powers of SEO, and enclose as much money as you would like. You will receive a free sample turd as a thank you for your help.

Now playing: Black Mountain - Wucan
via FoxyTunes

September 9, 2010

Just Learned How to Do This

Now you can like my posts on Facebook. Or not. Just trying this out.

September 7, 2010

Three People

  • I know a person who hates everything I love and loves everything I hate. This person tries to justify bad taste with bitchy, opinionated pieces of verbal attack toward those who disagree. This person thinks having feelings and problems is gay.

Verdict: This person sucks and should therefore be thrown into the sun.

I will cut you off, bitch. Shut the fuck up. For the record, I LOVE Arcade Fire.

  • I know a person who is a lazy, shameless little twat who really needs to learn a thing or two about office manners and hygiene. This person believes that burgers and meddling are the way to make friends.

Verdict: This person needs to stop watching soap operas and using up bandwidth when everyone is busy. Also, this person needs to have the crap police raid their cubicle.

Dear lord, if you want to make friends, just be yourself. Right, I forgot yourself is annoying.

  • I know a person who polarizes me. I can't explain it. Wrong topic.

Verdict: Good thing they're gone.


I really hate people and I really love people. Sometimes I think a person will be the death of me, not cancer.

Now playing: Nine Inch Nails - Sanctified
via FoxyTunes

August 25, 2010

Los Hombres Son Mal Llevados, Sufridores y Ridiculos

It’s no secret I hate men. Some more than others, some less than others. Sometimes I don’t so much hate them as feel sorry for them and how utterly evil they are. There’s one guy I don’t hate, because he’s gone to great lengths to prove how incredible and completely different he is from all the other guys out there. I really love him. I will always love him, even if I die, or if he dies.


So there you go. You got that? I HATE MEN! I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND! I DON’T LOVE YOU! I NEVER LOVED YOU! Please let me know if I need to spell it out for you. This incessant bugging, the feeling of still being attached to you makes me miserable. I need you out of my life. I thought you already were. So quit bothering me with your glorified bullshit, and don’t try to act like you ever gave a shit about me, or anything.


So fuck you. If you feel you lost out on something great, think again. I suck. But someone loves me for who I am, even if I suck – something you couldn’t ever do. Sorry for your loss, but not really.

Now piss the fuck off.


Now Playing: Nine Inch Nails - Live at Wiltern Theater, LA [2009-10-09] - I Die: You Die

August 24, 2010

I Am Morbid

Tonight I joked about killing myself. Twice. I wasn't one-hundred percent joking, to be honest. Just talking under the influence of pain and sugary sour tequila. A friend told me she would hang me from my nipples if I ever dared kill myself. It was all a joke. We both laughed, then we cried, then we laughed again.

I was joking.

Except I wasn't joking.

It's so hard to tell the difference between joke and fact, sometimes I get caught up in my own fantasies and forget how I really feel. Maybe I really was joking. Maybe she really would hang me from my nipples.

Sometimes I wonder how I can joke so lightly about suicide when it's such a serious and sometimes touchy issue to me. I don't even know which part of me jokes and which part of me feels affected by the jokes. I am a morbid person and I will never change. Maybe I do want to kill myself, and that'll be the end of my morbidity.

I make people uncomfortable sometimes. I make myself uncomfortable many times. Maybe the key to my happiness lies in me being morbid and being able to stop it. I really don't understand.

I do have a good heart.

Now playing: Arcade Fire - Ready To Start
via FoxyTunes

August 2, 2010

July 27, 2010


I'm sorry, but I have lost all love and respect for my career. Translation and Interpretation, that is. At this point, I think it's stuipid, ridiculous and pathetic that I spent so much time fucking around with stupid translations and speeches trying to prove myself and pretend I'm talented at something. I am not. I'd rather spend my life waiting tables than translate for a living. Yes, this sounds spoiled, childish and pissy, but I don't care. I've never been completely certain about the career path I chose four years ago, and tonight, more than ever, I'm sure I made the wrong fucking choice.

I refuse to accept that, in order to be successful in life, I need to be smarter than anybody. I can't bear the idea of spending long, neverending hours in front of the computer thinking of nice-sounding ways of saying some boring, fucked up shit I could care less about. I'm ungrateful, I'm young and immature and unsure about my future. I give you that. But if being a translator/interpreter means being a stuck up, self-absorbed whiny cunt, I'd rather do something a little more dignifying with my time, like growing my own vegetables or learning to make synth music.

I know I'm unsure about a lot of things, but I know the very few I really like, and I know that won't ever change: Music, writing, learning, living and loving. I can't sacrifice any one of my few passions over something I've barely become used to. If I let myself lose one of the few things I still care for, it'll be like voluntarily jumping into a shark-infested ocean.

I don't know what I'm gonna do in the future. I don't even know if I'll be alive long enough to live in the future. All I know is, right now, I don't feel like I belong here, with any of you. Thanks for the memories, though.

Now playing: Delorean - Seasun
via FoxyTunes

July 25, 2010

What My Life Has Become as of Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hello reader(s). I realize I have been a little bit M.I.A. for the last couple of months, only showing up to comment on Trent Reznor's latest (failed) foray into the world of honest, integral musicianship, and to complain about some shit; because that is what I do and everyone knows it. I realize I haven't posted any of my long-winded "State of the Union" sort of updates in a while, so, after I woke up from a 13 hour nap at about 3:00 PM, I decided this is what I want to do.

Today, July 25, 2010 at exactly 9:35 PM, I have a huge headache and my hair looks nice.

Speaking of hair, I am undergoing a hair loss treatment. Started in April and have no idea when I'll stop cause it was supposed to be five months but it seems like it's taking forever. Hair does look better and I guess I can say it stopped falling off, but that's the least I expected for what I'm paying for it.

I am back at school. For two months only though, fingers crossed. This is all part of life's plot to keep me from going places.

Speaking of going places, my plans of going to New York City to study my Master's have been put on hold. Oh, I guess you didn't know I was planning to study my Master's in NYC. Heh, ok, well now you do. I was planning to apply for a MFA in Creative Writing at Hunter, but I have better plans now, so I guess that can wait. I have been seriously considering moving to Norway as soon as school lets me out, er- I graduate, and study my Master's there. Seriously cosidering a M.Phil in Human Rights. I guess I'd do better at this since it doesn't require any display of talent whatsoever.

For the first time in my life, I have plans. I've never been the kind to plan my life or go by goals. The few times I have, I ended up falling flat on my ass and doing nothing. So I stopped doing it and started living "dangerously". I live each day as it comes and wait for life itself to decide what I should do or sort things out for me. It has worked, to be honest. But now I have plans again. Aside from wanting to go to Norway -- which I'm pretty sure I will do, as I am motivated enough to pursue it -- I have business ideas, I am starting to take the initiative in small business plans (I hate business plans cause I am a proletarian, not an entrepreneur) and other positive stuff. Not sure how long this is gonna go on for, but I'm okay with it as long as I get something good out of it.

Wanna hear my business plan? I will open a tea shop. Sort of like Starbuck's, but for tea lovers. If this fails, I have a plan B. With my Master's, I will apply for a job at the UN. I bet they'll hire me with my big shot M.Phil in Human Rights from Norway. That's what those folks are all about, right? If all else fails, I'll go into fashion design. My global domination plans are super effective, aren't they?

I think I'm not depressed anymore. I'm still a weird, emotionally unstable person with serious issues though. And I think I might have anxiety. Oh well... nobody's perfect.

I love my boyfriend with all my heart. He makes me really happy despite my great faults. He's also hella patient with me.

I am going back to New York in October with my boyfriend. We're so excited about this we can't wait for these two month wait to be over. The reason we're going to NYC? We're going to see Swans! Yes! WE'RE GOING TO SEE SWANS! WEEEE! Thanks to him we got some nice tickets on time and we're all set. Planning this trip has proven really exciting -- even though I know the city very well, I can't wait to explore new places and show them to him. I'm a huge cheeseball, I know. Here's a picture of the Swans tickets my bf bought:

We're also considering going to other concerts if possible, so any suggestions will be appreciated. So far my only options are Dead Kennedys, Foals, Ratatat and The XX. If you're wondering about the latter, I will say this here: No, I am not fan of those bullshit hipster posing assholes. I am, however, a fan of the opening acts: Warpaint and Zola Jesus. There's also the possibility of a Legendary Pink Dots show and hopefully, if we're lucky, a Current 93 show that would knock down all the other shows and kick their pasty, stinky, hipster asses. We'll see.

I haven't forgotten about my 365 Project. Yet.

News flash: I don't like Queen. Fuck Queen.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new Arcade Fire. I might even review it. It's brilliant. Here's the title track:

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

I am poor.

I love sleeping. I've been sleeping a lot lately. Maybe I'm just gonna die soon. Who knows.

Today, July 25, 2010 at exactly 10:16 PM, I am sleepy and my headache hasn't gone away. I also have homework to do. So bye.

Now playing: Sad Lovers & Giants - Man Of Straw
via FoxyTunes

July 5, 2010

You Know What?

Fuck you. Yeah you. You. YOU.

Fuck school. Fuck my headache. Fuck the fact that I think I forgot how to play guitar.

And fuck you. I've never met anyone as shallow and vapid as you in real life. I hope one day you realize all the damage you've done to so many people and it hurts your brain to think about it. I hate everyone who's a shallow vapid whore like you and I hate that people like you make me feel so much hate. I hate you and I have to share the same air.

And fuck this. Why the fuck am I saying this here? Fuck my life.

Now playing: Emeralds - Geode
via FoxyTunes

June 26, 2010

You Heard It Here First!

Well, maybe not. Remember what I said about not keeping up with new releases here? That's about to change from now on.

Here is a brand new song by one of my all-time faves, Blonde Redhead.

Blonde Redhead - Here Sometimes

Aren't you psyched to hear from these guys after three years?  Song's fantastic, btw. You can hear a lot of Brooklyn and some exotic flare in that small piece of music. Can't wait for the full length to be available soon. At this point, pretty much everyone I wished would release new music last year has successfully done so. Only wish Autolux would release their stupid second album before I die.

I should have a review of the new M.I.A. soon, if I happen to find a free 2 hours or so in my busy schedule. That's all.

June 24, 2010

Inspired By Vuvuzela

Once every four years, the world gets together to celebrate the biggest event in soccer, and probably sports altogether: The FIFA World Cup. This year, FIFA has chosen South Africa as the host country, making this the first African country ever to host this grand event.

Now, while I am not fully experiencing World Cup fever the way a true soccer fan should, given that my team is not participating in the World Cup, and tbh, I'm suffering from a mild case of sour grapes; I am very much a supporter of every team that sets the name of my continent high. I have rooted for Argentina (even though I hate their guts cause they really are a lousy people), Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil and Chile. I can't explain why, but every time I hear one of them has won (and they all have, so SUCK ITTT! SOUTH AMERICA RULES!), I smile proudly like it's my own team scoring a win in the name of my country. It makes me forget about borders and conflicts and racial issues and bullshit (see Argentina) and just kick back, watch the game with friends and enjoy the moment. It's a nice feeling.

I know if you're from the United States, or just a bitter asshole, you won't understand. This is probably a South American thing. Not even -- it's a culture thing. There are only a handful of things that have the power of uniting a whole people the way soccer does in my country. I really can't think of any other off the top of my head, not even politics, not even crisis or wealth. When people watch soccer here, they're not from a region, or from a province or a town -- they're from a country, all of them. And they share the same feelings and the same emotions, and the same adrenaline courses through every single person's body. It's about national pride and honor, and in a country so fucked up by corruption and injustice, people are desperate to feel proud. Now that the world feels like one big developing country, with all the crimes and money issues and oil spills and what-have-you, it feels pretty fucking good to have a few hours to just rejoice in the guiltless pleasure of soccer, and feel proud.

So, yeah, I am pretty grateful that the World Cup exists. I should send FIFA a fruit basket thanking them for all the cocktails I've drunk and all the hookahs I've smoked and all the sushi rolls I've eaten and all the laughs I've had while watching soccer.

June 15, 2010

Finally Someone Listened to Me

Blogger hooked us up with great new templates, backgrounds, layouts and other cool stuff, including a CSS editor!

Thank you, Blogger. My self confidence has been restored thanks to you.

Find out more about the fabulous Template Editor here.

June 6, 2010

Oh Dear God, It's Out!

How to Destroy Angels, the new musical project by former NIN megalomaniac Trent Reznor, and his bitches Mariqueen Maandig (Maandig-Reznor, in case we all forget she’s the dude’s wife) and Atticus Ross, released its debut EP for free on June 1st. Being the obsessive HTDA fangirl that I am, I actually waited up until 12 am on the first day of June to get my copy of the first installment of the “unstoppable force of greatness”, aka Trent Reznor’s new non NIN-related, NIN-sounding project. You know me, I just can’t resist a piece of outstanding new music. Naturally, like I’ve done for the last couple of years since I started this stupid blog, my first instinct upon finding such poignant piece of artistry was writing books worth of praise about it. Because that’s the least it deserves.
However, due to the unfortunate fact that I am a terrible, highly inappropriate person, I will not do so. Instead, I will proceed to be a horrible bitch and give the album the internet equivalent to a million wedgies. Not because I want to, or because it deserves it, but because I suck.
(From Wikipedia)

No. Title Length
1. "The Space in Between" 3:35
2. "Parasite" 5:05
3. "Fur Lined" 4:00
4. "BBB" 3:31
5. "The Believers" 5:36
6. "A Drowning" 7:04

First off, I think I should thank Trent Reznor for giving us all the chance to listen to his unstoppable new EP for free, because he is so generous and thinks about his poor, unfortunate fans who could not afford his new music (even though we all know it’s priceless). Thanks to Trent’s giving personality, I was able to download the HTDA EP in high quality and with pretty color artwork and didn’t pay a cent for it. He definitely saved me the hassle of looking it up on Filestube, so thank you again, Mr. Reznor, for saving me 30 seconds of my precious time.
Ok, let’s get a little serious here. Remember what I said about the HTDA EP on this blog post? Well, I am so happy to announce that no retractions will ever be written, because, as always, I was right; which is excellent because I don’t like being wrong. The EP turned out EXACTLY like I thought it would. Ahem, I hate to say this but IT SUCKS!!! IT SUCKS AS MUCH DICK AS KIM KARDASHIAN AND PARIS HILTON TOGETHER! *does victory dance*
Okay, okay, we’re being serious, remember? While I admit HTDA is about as bad as summer school, I guess I’m not surprised it sucked. Maybe because my expectations were pretty low already before the EP came out. There are worse things than summer school, like watching your parents having sex. Maybe it’s not that the EP necessarily sucks, but that I’m used to different, more creative stuff from Trent Reznor. Not saying that the dude hasn’t made a faux pas in his 21 year-long career, ever; but rather that even his worst was at least decent. For comparison, give With Teeth a spin, and then listen to HTDA. You’ll find that even Getting Smaller has more substance than the whole EP together.
I’m not going to make up some flowery Pitchfork-esque review, because I’m not a pretentious asshole and don’t have enough time to devote to Trent Reznor anymore, so I’ll just be honest and as blunt as ever. This sounds like NIN scraps with tedious autotuned vocals and butthurt lyrics. Whoever says that’s not true can suck it. I know I already talked about the NIN comparisons, but it’s hard not to think about them when every single song sounds like a remix of a previously released NIN song. Being a NIN fan, I should be happy about that, but I think fans deserve a little more respect than that if they’re going to be introduced to music they’ll potentially buy. Especially since THIS IS NOT NIN!
I don’t want to be mean, though. That is so not my purpose in life (lol, it actually is). There are few elements in the EP that I’ve grown to enjoy, not because they display talent or range, but simply because they've “grown on me”. Last night, while giving HTDA a good thorough listen in order to review it, I mentioned to my boyfriend that I was starting to like the opening bars to “The Space in Between”, much to his dismay. He thinks that beat almost as annoying as the vocals, but surprisingly, I sort of like it, for the first 10 seconds. I suppose that is because it reminds me of one my favorite songs, nearLY’s “All Is Lost”. Just then I realized this song really tries to emulate the mood evoked by the aforementioned song, but fails, miserably. Furthermore, if we note the fact that the vocals for "All Is Lost" are performed by Claude Sarne, wife of HTDA "member" Atticus Ross, and that Mariqueen's voice tries really hard to imitate Sarne's in this song, the comparisons become a little more apparent. Ripoff number one. I also almost enjoyed the song “Parasite”, because the intro drumming sounded pretty cool. Then I realized it sounds a lot like “The Beginning of the End” from Year Zero, which in turn, ahem, borrows heavily from The Knack’s 1979’s hit song “My Sharona”. Ripoff number two. I could keep at this forever.
Three songs in, and I’m starting to get bored and, quite honestly, a little pissed off. I haven’t really mentioned Mariqueen Reznor’s involvement in this EP yet because I didn’t want to come off as a jealous, hateful bitch, but I am morally bound to now, because I just cannot let another abomination like “Fur Lined” be produced ever again. Whoever thinks this woman can sing is probably in dire need of a CAT scan. My dog’s barks sound better than her voice. This song, in particular, displays just how fucking annoying her voice can be. At least she was trying a little in the two previous tracks. This song takes elements from “Only” from With Teeth, “Echoplex” and “Discipline” from The Slip, and that’s about the most interesting thing you can say about it. Lyrically, all three songs sound like a 13 year old Brokencyde fan riding the shortbus wrote them. Then, I would have no reason to bitch because we all know being a Brokencyde fan fucks up your brain to the point of total and complete destruction, but I’m sure neither Trent nor Mariqueen (I’m going to assume “Fur Lined” was written by Mariqueen, since that’s what Trent wants us all to believe, and this song isn’t as emo as “A Drowning” or “The Space in Between”) are into crunkcore. Though maybe they are, in which case, I should offer them my sincerest apologies.
Fourth song: “BBB”. Another gem I’m sure was written by Mariqueen. Who else but a shoe-aholic would write so eloquently about boots? Big Black Boots, to be precise. I really dislike this song. I imagine this is some crappy Year Zero outtake that Trent left behind because he knew better back then, that he pulled out of the crappy YZ outtakes folder on his Mac, and then (Mariqueen) added that line about the boots for extra impact. Well, someone should tell them that Year Zero is so '07 now and that Art is Resistance bullshit is so passé. If they thought this song would be the new “Hyperpower!”, they should have noticed “Hyperpower!”had no dumb lyrics, and that’s what made it so good.
“The Believers”, or “The Kiddie Marimba Song”, like I call it, is the third “single” from the EP, and it was the first song to really make me want to flog someone with a broomstick. Of all the six songs, this is the most unoriginal one, which really sucks cause it boasts a reputation for being innovative and original and funky. Braaaaahhhhhhhhh! Ghosts references all over it, a raped and taken apart “The Greater Good” most clearly on display under layers of Nintendo sounds and breathy, uninteresting vocals is what this song has to offer as far as innovation. News flash, Reznor: You already did that whole Nintendo thing in “The Great Destroyer”, and the only reason it worked there is because the music was worth more than five cents, and your voice doesn’t suck.
I’m not even gonna comment on the last song, because I already gave my opinion about it and it hasn’t changed one bit. If anything, I now have way harsher things to say about it, but I won’t because I am nice. Instead, I’m going to leave you with the first video ever by HTDA, “The Space in Between”.

See how Trent is, like, rubbing his awesome wife in our faces? Because apparently, it doesn’t matter how awesome HE thinks she is (which we all know he does), if the world doesn’t buy it, he won’t be happy. Such a mature point of view.
I think, instead of trying to convince the world that his wife is talented by writing lyrics and giving her credit for them, making her play the unbelievably easy synth parts in all the songs and putting her in the foreground in every promo shot, Trent Reznor should just give up and take a break or go back to Nine Inch Nails. I bet we’d have been a little more forgiving about this entire clusterfuck if it’d been released as NIN, with no agenda, no pretentiousness or fanfare. Just give up, Trent. We all know she’s just as bad as we all thought she was at the beginning, no need to start a new band just to showcase her (non-existent) musical ability.
Fuck this shit, I’m gonna listen to some Joy Division to see if I can undo the damage I've inflicted upon my ears. Or maybe I should listen to some Brokencyde. Hmmm…

Now playing: Terranova - No Peace
via FoxyTunes

May 30, 2010

On Education and Insanity

"Concern". This was the subject for an email I got from my dean last Friday. "Concern over some strong, gross comments I'd made regarding my school, the T&I department and everyone in it" last Thursday with a couple of friends. I guess you can say my opinions were very strong and uncalled for, but of all the things I've learned in my twenty one years of life, shutting up isn't one of them. So I dropped a couple angry bombs, one even literal, and ranted on about how much everything sucks and how I want to kill everyone, etc. You know, the usual angry stuff you say when you're pissed off/joking with your friends. What, you don't say that? Ok, I guess it's just me then.

Right now I think I pretty much made myself look like an asshole here, so I guess I should explain in full the circumstances under which I made such inappropriate comments. It's rather long and retarded, so whoever is reading should just sit down and grab a cup of tea or something.

As some people may know (most may not), I finished school in March. Okay, not really finished forever, but rather finished with my curriculum and awaiting the formal stuff you need in this country in order to graduate (graduation seminars, thesis, final T&I exams, Spanish proficiency exam, ice cream trip with my T&I classmates, etc.). I have been waiting for an answer as to when this wonderful stuff is gonna start happening practically all year, but hadn't bothered to ask because I had been busy one way or another, either with school or work, to actually think about it. But last week I did think about it and I got a little depressed. I felt hopeless and alone in this quest for enlightenment, and the only one to blame was my dean.

You see, the way the system works in my school, they can't open graduation seminars for less than 15 people. This wouldn't be a problem if I'd studied something normal like Economics or Law, or what-have-you, but not me. I'm never normal. I studied Translation and Interpretation, the best, most awesome major in the entire world, with the grand total of 50 students enrolled in its program. Of these 50 people, only 6, including myself, are advanced and close to graduation. And as it turns out, the people who are ready to graduate (3, myself included) have to wait for the others who are not quite ready yet, so we can all take the seminars together, cause sadly, they can't open seminars for only three students. Ya following here? Guess I'm not so much of an asshole now, am I? Well, wait, cause the best part is yet to come.

Enters the government and its fucked up nature. In 2008 a new education bill was drafted, and it stirred up some trouble, as it literally destroyed the country's entire educational system. Not sure if it's already in full effect, but it would appear so as every school is going nuts over it and students are already rioting about it. One of its main points of focus is the addition of credits to every major's curriculum. We're not talking about 10 more credits or any of that easy stuff. No, we're talking about 80 credits, give or take. Even though all government institutions clearly stated from the beginning that this law would not be retroactive, meaning it would never affect people like me and my T&I group, my school has taken upon itself the arduous task of making students miserable over the new Education Bill. That means that everyone who is about to graduate, well won't anymore, unless they take more subjects following the new curriculum and accumulate more credits.

My dean met with us a few times last year to discuss the new adjustments made to the old curricula. The evil Education Bill had pretty much destroyed my old '06 curriculum. Some of the subjects I'd taken no longer existed! But here's the cool part: Since me and my five T&I friends were already pretty close to graduation, she insisted we kept taking the classes we needed according to our initial curricula, and then, as an option, take extra courses to either get a minor or just to take classes for the sake of it and get credits for them. She explained in detail she would give us credits for practice hours, our graduation seminars/thesis/graduation exams, plus some other stuff that, if added up, gave us the desired number of 225 credits we all need now, supposedly.

So I did this. I did exactly what she said I should do. I took about 8 extra classes and, according to the dean's recommendations, I should be fine, right? Hell, with all those things she said she would give us all credits for, we were all ready to go. WRONG!

So this is where we fast forward to last week. I emailed the dean at 3 am asking her what had happened to the seminars and if she had an answer for me because, naturally, I was getting a little impatient. She replied first thing in the morning saying she was working on it, counting all my credits and adjusting them to the new curriculum, and she would give me an answer soon. And then, as typical of her, a slew of emails followed, vaguely explaining that we all needed to take extra courses because, as it turns out, the horrible, horrible Education Bill had changed yet again, and we were all short of credits. Ack. She summoned us up to a meeting on Thursday to discuss the new changes that had been made to our poor curriculum and to talk about the "great new classes she had available for us".

Ok, so the meeting with the dean went pretty much like this:

Dean: Ok, you guys need to take about 8 more subjects cause the Ministry says I can't give you credits for the seminars/thesis/exams.

Students: :O :O :O

Dean: But don't worry cause I have some great new courses for you! I'm bringing professors from Hunter College and Spain and some other great people and this is gonna be good for you!

Cat: But hey, wait a minute, I had all the credits I needed, I don't need any more courses!

Dean: Oh hey, well I don't know about that but you must have miscounted. So anyway...

Cat: No, no, look, here! I have enough credits, see?

Dean: Oh, oops! I guess I should work on that again, cause it seems I made a whoopsie and didn't adapt these 5 courses on the new curriculum. Don't worry, I'll work on that. But the rest of you guys have to take 8 more classes, otherwise you can't graduate.

Student 1: I want to kill myself.

Cat: And what about me, what do I do if I have all the credits I need?

Dean: Oh, you wait for the rest to finish taking classes and then you take the seminars with them.


So this is when the insanity starts. I made these comments I mentioned above in my usual campy, un-serious way, in the company of close friends who understand my situation. And yes, this is when I said "I wanted to beat the living shit out of everyone at this school, cause everything is fucking bullshit and I'm sick of this fucking stupid school, hahahaha!". Yes, it's pretty bad, but dude... I'd just been told I would graduate in 2078! Whatever.

Now I don't know exactly how she found out, but she did, cause next thing I know, the dean is emailing me about how inappropriate and unprofessional I am and how disappointed she is in me and how much I suck. Yeah, yeah. Not only that, but she bothered to CC EVERYONE in the department, including professors who don't even work at the school anymore! She also sent hate emails to my friends telling them practically the same thing she told me in the first email. I obviously replied telling her that these comments were made in an informal, private setting, and they should not be taken literally, because they just express the anger of the moment over a very difficult situation I'm being put through. She replied saying I can't be two people at the same time and if this is how I am with my friends, this is how I am everywhere else. So basically, I'm an awful person. Horrible.

Dude, seriously. Cut the crap. Anyone with a little common sense would understand these comments were NOT serious and I do not want to beat them all up. And what's up with the massive CCing?! I mean, she's trying to ruin my reputation here! In all my years at school, I have had a clean record, a 4.0 GPA, several awards for outstanding academic achievement, and countless opportunities to prove myself and how capable I am, and she just ruined that for some stupid comments I made when I was angry? I know it was my fault, but come on, you can't be serious about this. Now, I don't know how I'm going to fix this, but it seems to me like such idiotic, square bullshit. Sorry to be crass, but this is how it is. If a person who gave the impression of being wise beyond her years, educated, understanding and experienced comes and gives you and your academic history the finger over some silly immature comments you made UNDER EXTREMELY DIFFICULT CIRCUMSTANCES, then they don't deserve to be in that position, you know? And why try to ruin my reputation in the whole department? These are people who knew me and talked to me as friends, not as professors. How can I not be outraged if she's singlehandedly putting me at the top of everyone's shitlist including hers! So now I'm depressed, blackballed and hopeless.

I'm sorry, maybe I'm wrong here and she's right. I'd like to think some of my argument is right though, cause if it isn't, then the world is more fucked up than I thought. At this point, I don't care if they love me or hate me, I just want to graduate. I hope the dean understands that she ruined every single plan I had after graduation, and I am losing my head over it. I guess she doesn't, otherwise this wouldn't have ever happened.

Now playing: Alva Noto - Prototype 5
via FoxyTunes