May 5, 2009

"Bridget Jones, wanton sex goddess, with a very bad man between her thighs..."

The other day, I indulged in the most definitely guilty, awkwardly witty and surprisingly refreshing pleasure of watching one of my all-time favorite chick flicks, Bridget Jones's Diary (the original, not the awfully sub-par sequel), for the 13566987097097th time. This time, I couldn't help picking up on the similarities between lonely, clumsy loser Bridget, and yours truly. I mean, seriously, the resemblance is uncanny... except for the fact that I'm actually not overweight (which she absolutely wasn't either, in the first movie, at least) and I'm not a natural blonde. But yeah, so I was watching, and being as hopelessly addicted to using Twitter to talk about every insignificant event in my dull little life as I am, I just had to tweet about it.

iGotSurvivalism I just realized I'm fucking Bridget Jones. not ideal, but so very true =/
7:27 PM May 3rd from web

Surprisingly enough, someone replied to that tweet, and what followed was this sort of funny dialogue:

TwitterPal1 @iGotSurvivalism zomg you gonna fuck Colin Firth?
7:29 PM May 3rd from TweetDeck in reply to iGotSurvivalism

iGoturvivalism @TwitterPal1... yup, and Hugh Grant ;) hmm, so it's not so bad after all...
7:30 PM May 3rd from web in reply to TwitterPal1

TwitterPal1 @iGotSurvivalism and u have super duper friends lol
7:30 PM May 3rd from TweetDeck in reply to iGotSurvivalism

iGotSurvivalism @TwitterPal1 very true.
7:34 PM May 3rd from web in reply to TwitterPal1

... Of course, someone called Sarcasm McCynic replied as reads:

TwitterPal2 @iGotSurvivalism Whaddaya mean? Do you obsess about the size of your butt all the time?
7:31 PM May 3rd from web in reply to iGotSurvivalism

LOL... =/

Now, towards the end of the film, I realized that I very well could be a younger, musically-educated version of Ms. Jones, sans hot dudes/firepole. And, just as TwitterPal1 mentioned, I have the most awesome friends ever. Sure, they might piss you off more often than not, they're a pain in the ass to hang out with when they're stressing/PMS'ing, they tease you, they're mean to you, they freak you out about the swine flu outbreak... Yeah, they suck balls sometimes. But then, they pull little miracles from under their sleeves when you least expect them, and they sure make your days brighter and your cloudy, gloomy mood take a couple hours off from time to time. So, yeah, I love my friends. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. Because you cannot believe how fucking cool they are.

This is how I spent my (originally depressing-as-hell) May Day, thanks to one of my awesome friends:

BTW, that cherry stem? I tied it. With my tongue. Yup.

I've finally embraced my inner Bridget. As TwitterPal1 mentioned, I get to "shag" both Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. I mean, that's good enough to make me put on the Bridget pounds. ;)

... Oh yeah. Mich, you're THE BEST. So, if I'm Bridget, you're my Shazzer. *hugs*


Listening to: Doves - 10:03
via FoxyTunes

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