November 7, 2008

The Last Photoshoot of My Teens

Hey there. Now that I'm twenty, life has taken a personal interest in making it hell for me to survive. Seriously, I think that's life's way of making me grow up fast, since I have a lot of growing up to do and I'm running against the clock. This week in particular, I honestly felt like I was going to die anytime. On top of that, I have class this Friday! (today... huh. Damn, I have class today...) And on Saturday too!!! Dude, my life is awesome. Well, at least I got some sleep this morning, woke up, took a long shower and took care of my hair with the gazillion products I bought back when I was rich, and now I'm a new woman. I still wanna hit the sack and never ever wake up, but at least now my hair is wet, so I won't.

Last night, the girls and I had an impromptu sushi night with our new friend, Josh; which went quite nicely. Sadly, Grecia forgot her mighty camera (thank goodness) so there are no pics from that little thing. But it just so happens that yesterday, Grecia sent a bunch of pics she took about a week ago, which turned out to be the last pics of Cat as a nineteen year old. Oh my, what wonderful days! So, since I have nothing better to do at the moment (while my hair dries at least) than post on this thing, I'm going to put them on here, so you can take a walk down memory lane and remember how beautiful it was to be nineteen...

Brazil, here we come!!!

ROFL at Lisette's face!

Seriously dude, stop eating!

Awww, Chewbacca! You took a pic of my hobbit foot!

What's with my long face, huh?

Cause we just needed to have a picture with Grecia's fat ass.

Welcome to the blog thing, Catalina!

Same shoes!

Why does everyone look stupid in that pic?



Haha, Lisette!!!

Why are there so many pictures of me?

No, seriously, why???

I can see your boogers, Grecia!

Someone please photoshop my arm, it looks like a ghost arm!

Oh, I like that one...

Believe it or nor, that's an engaged man. A twenty-one year old engaged man.

Those are our serious faces.


Don't hide, Anita!

Listening to: The Durutti Column - The Sweet Cheat Gone
via FoxyTunes

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