August 26, 2008

Fuck off techies/I <3 Lis!/Inspirational playlist

Hehe, so tech support in this country sucks balls, I know. No one could fix my goddamn cord, so I'm comp-less... but you all know that already. Yet, thanks to my guardian angel/official laughingstock/lifesaver/role model Lisette aka silly midget (because she really is a midget) I got to use my computer for a night! Oh hell yes! She let me borrow her cord until tomorrow night, which is just grand. And I plan of making the best out of my happy hour hehe and use the stupid laptop until it dies. I actually intend to start writing in exactly 22 minutes, and stop only when my body subsides. I mean it. So yeah, watch out, cause Cat's inspired.

But, no proper inspiration comes without the necessary musical accompaniment, the right sounds to get the mind juices flowing. The mood grooves. Since I am such a genius at assembling playlists for every single mood ever imaginable, because I am a genius when it comes to music (and everything else, thank you very much), I made my own Inspirational Jams playlist for today, August 25, 2008. Watch out for these songs and these artists, they are all incredible (as everything I listen to, obviously), and worth giving a listen. So, here I go.
I'm gonna keep it short and include only 20 songs, but there'll be tons more, I am sure.

The Arcade Fire - No Cars Go
Although not as brilliant as anything off AF's first born, Funeral, this tune is pretty catchy, my second favorite off of Neon Bible, after Intervention. Oh, and there's also Keep the Car Running... third favorite, then, ahem. God, these guys are good. First married couple I ever liked, and will ever like, probably.

Autolux - Capital Kind of Strain
Dark, gloomier than anything else on Future Perfect, this song makes me think of rain. Carla Azar, drummer for Autolux, is the hardest-rocking chick ever, and I don't say this very often, so take my word for it.

Blonde Redhead - Falling Man
God, I wish. This song has an Asian flare. Not because BR's singer is Japanese, I swear! I don't know, it sounds exotic. I love this band, it's from New York, it's multi ethnic, it's experimental, it has elements of shoegaze... and two thirds of it are Italian. What more can you ask for?

Peter Murphy - A Strange Kind of Love (Version 1)
Fuck, this is depressing. I bet emos would love it... of course if they didn't have My Chemical Romance stuck up their asses, infesting their blood with bad music taste and ridiculousness. Forget Bauhaus, this tune takes goth to a whole new level.

Wilco - At Least That's What You Said
Shit, am I really that depressed? Why do I listen to such depressing crap? Sad and all though, this song is really good. For crying, being miserable, and emotional cutting. Great shit by America's Radiohead. Lovely guitar solo.

Slowdive - Altogether
Dude, I am getting sad. And okay, so I love Slowdive (even more than My Bloody Valentine) and they are my favorite shoegaze band (even over My Bloody Valentine!) which might sound like blasphemy, but whatever, I am obsessed with these guys. Souvlaki quickly became one of my favorite albums, and this song is one of its highlights.

Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly The Same
Just because I had to include some NIN on this list. Because I'm such a fangirl sometimes. Really good, though. Okay, so I could have kept the mood and gone for something more... depressed-Trent-NIN a-la The Great Below, Something I Can Never Have, or Hurt, but no, instead I chose this little video-less song off of With Teeth, and it worked. I love you chunks, Trent!

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - Sugar, Sugar, Sugar
From Tender Prey, one of Nick Cave's gems, back from the coked up, fucked up, heroin addict, Anita Lane loving days, this album scares me of how good it is. If I didn't love the living shit out of Daddy Reznor, I would probably worship Nick Cave's ass. He's the original emo, yo! Not that this is a good thing, but I'm just saying.

Feist - When I Was a Young Girl
I have a healthy girl crush on Feist. This woman is great. Seriously, she kicks butt! When I grow up, I wanna be like her, I swear! Not that this will ever happen, or that I'll ever come close to it, but it can't hurt to try... or dream at least. Plus, Mushaboom makes me wanna wear a cutsey dress and go out! It's just such a happy song!

Tuxedomoon - Incubus (Blue Suit)
I love the synths, and the energy, and the eerie dready feel this song evokes. I mean, fuck, this song kind of scared me the first time I heard it. Of course, listening to it the second time around I realized I was scared at first because I am retarded and get scared of songs. But really, this band is awesome, the term 'New Wave' isn't even big enough to do them justice.

The Birthday Party - Say a Spell
Another jewel from Nick Cave's filthy mind, only more disturbing, even more coked up, more fucked up, less tame, tons more aggressive, just as brilliant as the former. Not much to say about this one. If Nick Cave's legendary name is on it, I will adore it.

The Smiths - Handsome Devil
Morrissey might be a dick, but he is one fuck of a genius. I mean it. And I'm hooked on Hatful of Hollow like you have no idea. This song has the formula right. I still don't know what it is, but me likey, so we're cool.

My Bloody Valentine - Sometimes
Sad, sad, sad. Another one of those weird tunes that makes me think of rain. These Irish lads made my days brighter and my ears hurt a bit with their beautiful noise and their Loveless album, so I will respect them infinitely until the end of our days.

Buzzcocks - A Different Kind of Tension
I love the Buzzcocks more than any other first-wave punk rock band ever, I promise. Well, okay, maybe not more than The Clash, but that's because The Clash is classic and you cannot go through life without loving them, it's a sin. But I bet they can share first place with the Buzzcocks, they don't mind! Pete Shelley's voice is a tiny bit annoying, but what the hell, these guys are so good I don't even care anymore.

Cat Power - The Sleepwalker
Another girl crush. Not so healthy this time. Fuck, it should be a crime to be Chan Marshall! How the hell am I supposed to try to be cool when she's mastered that area so fucking well it's impossible to live up to her mark?! I mean, seriously, I love her so much I hate her. This tune is taken from her gorgeous album Dear Sir, which made me develop this little crush of mine. She deserves more than just a quick listen, so don't attempt to disrespect her by downloading one song and saying it sucks. I will kick your ass if you do.

New Model Army - I Love the World
The style of these guys is so fucking hard to describe I honestly get a headache every time I think about it. This song sounds post-punk, a dash gothy, it has elements of folk... and an undeniable good amount of coolness. Respect.

Ladytron - AMTV
Fuck yes, about time! Let's get the party started right now! This is what you should be dancing to in clubs and discos and shit. Ladytron is amazing, so if you say I am a freak for dancing to Ladytron, I will beat you within an inch of your life. So do not fuck with me.

Modwheelmood - Sunday Morning
A little surprise from NIN's very own Italian Stallion, Mr. Alessandro Cortini. Who knew I would grow to love these guys with my gut. I mean, their style is definitely not something I would ordinarily come to love so much, but the fact that I do proves that they're undeniably good. Beautiful! Then again, if half of this band works for and with Trent Reznor, it's got to be something else, right?

Saul Williams - List of Demands (Reparations)
Yes! Poetic hip hop! As a rock chick with the knowledge of hip hop of... well, a rock chick, I would have never given this guy a shot if it wasn't again for Trent Reznor. But since TR has my same taste, I fell in love with Saul Williams. This tune is pretty industrial rock, in my humble, rock chick opinion, which might be why I love it to pieces, but still... hip hop is hip hop. And Saul is NiggyTardust.

A Place to Bury Strangers - She Dies
Gorgeous noise from Brooklyn. Following the paved roads of other noisy bastards like The Jesus and Mary Chain, these guys bring some new, noisier, harsher, more electronic flare to the NY indie scene. And they toured with NIN, so they're definitely on my watch list!

Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones
I know I already have 20 songs, but this one belongs on this list, so what the hell. Okay, so this one is here for two reasons. One, it's harsh and trashy and makes me wanna thrash against walls and hit people, so it's perfect to have a jump start at the writing that I have postponed for over a week. Two, I didn't get to go to the Misfits show! And I would have loved to see this song played live... God, I can only imagine the moshpit. On second thought, I think it was best for me not to go to the show. Still, I think the Misfits were WAAAAAY better with Glenn Danzig than with this new guy. This song is pretty cool, though.

Wheeee! Took me a while to get this done. It's actually 12:37 now, and I still haven't started to write. Whatever, this was fun. Hope anyone who reads this checks out at least one of the artists I've mentioned here. Remember, if I contributed at least in a very small amount to better your music taste, I'll die a happy woman. And if, on top of that, I ever kiss Trent Reznor, then all the better. See ya!

Listening to: Crime and the City Solution - I Have the Gun
Eating: Inspiration and knowledge...
Drinking: Tea! Fuck, it's cold!

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