December 27, 2008

Cat's Snobby '08 in Music' Review

Goddamn, it's been long! I missed my music rants a little too much. Lucky for me, it's that time of the year again, when we either mourn or bid joyous farewell to yet another year; and along with the mandatory New Year resolutions list -which I will post later, if I get off my lazy ass and actually make one... which will most likely never follow through- comes the necessary and similarly traditional 'best albums of the year' list, or as some might call it, Cat's perfect chance to show just how stuck-up and hipster she aspires to become is.

First, I'd like to say that, despite the enormous piles of hot, steaming shit that today's pathetic music business has been projectile-spewing at us, this has been a rather positive year for true music fans. Now, I can't say that I am a true music fan, because the term 'true' applied in this context is rather relative and depends a great deal on the individual itself. I can only say that I do enjoy music more than anything, much more than I actually should, much more than is considered normal. I also know that, thanks to my obsessive interest in music (the good kind, as I've been told), I have the ability to distinguish trash from gems, and think that, based on that ability and knowledge, I can provide decent recommendations to whomever is interested enough to ask...

And even if you don't ask, I'm just gonna go ahead and rant. This is my blog, I can do whatever the hell I want. So, in no particular order, I'm going to start with a list of my favorite albums of the year. Those which I think are the best of the whole damn year.

Brazilian Girls - New York City
Hell yesssss, Brazilian Girls, the most Internacional band in the history of bands! These guys create such a wonderfully rich and culturally diverse mix of styles that makes their music very hard to classify. That's always good. This very eclectic mix is graced by the sexy, multi-lingual voice of front woman Sabina Sciubba, who pulls a very effective mindfuck with every song she performs, frantically switching languages completely out of nowhere. This release marks the third in the rather young life of the band, its predecessors being two other equally mindfuckingly great albums. I have nothing but praise for these peeps. Oh, they're from NYC, how cool is that?
Recommended track: Ricardo - I just love this song. The story is nice and funny, and it does have a message to it. Also, it's in Spanish. So, Ricardo, don't work yourself too hard...

The Kills - Midnight Boom
The moment I heard this album, I became obsessed. These guys make garage rock sound so great, I could say I like them as much as I like The Stooges or MC5. People have compared this lovely duo with the incestuous White Stripes, but please, I BEGGGG to differ. Now, I know the White Stripes ain't half bad. I know there's way worse crap out there. They could be Linkin Park. It's just a matter of taste, and preference for bands that actually know how to play their instruments, and employ a bass... and know a thing or two about personal hygiene (I honestly think Jack White is a hobo). The Kills are so much better than that. They look like they shower. And Midnight Boom is fucking awesome!!! I am not lying when I say I am in love with each and every one of the two/three-minute tracks off of this album. A million thumbs up, and lots of kudos and XOXOXO...
Recommended track: (Damnnnnn, this is harrrrddd!) Sour Cherry - I think this song, and this whole album in general, would make good stripping music. Mmm...

Does it Offend You, Yeah? - You Have No Idea What You're Getting Yourself Into
Fun stuff. These young lads from across the pond have made me giggle a time or two with their beats, and if I find it amusing, it's definitely worth a shoutout. And my boy Trump Resner picking them personally to open for his band, the Nine Inch Nails or whatever, is also a plus for them. Great synth music, danceable at times, rocking post punk at others, yet consistently keeping me interested.
Recommended track: Attack of the 60 ft. Lesbian Octopus - Just because I had never thought of an octopus being a lesbian before hearing this wonderful name.

Ladytron - Velocifero
I am a certified Ladytron geek and everyone knows it. They could literally record their washing cycle, yawn on top of it and release it as an album, and I'd sure as fucking hell buy it and love it! Undeniably beautiful, this little baby is definitely on my top three of this year. And even though I still love the holy crap out of its predecessor, Witching Hour, Velocifero has slowly but steadily made its mark on my heart. This is said to be Ladytron's most commercially successful release to date, which some idiots might call selling out instead of rightfully deserved success, what it really is; and for once, I have to agree with the rest of the world. Ladytron did it again.
Recommended track: They Gave You a Heart, They Gave You a Name - Maybe because this is a Helen Marnie track, and I have a history of worshiping Helen Marnie's songs, but I cannot get enough of this one. This woman's voice is so fucking beautiful, holy shit!

Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV
Fucking Trent Reznor and his fucking talent. Sometimes I really hate him. I hate him because he can NEVERRR EVER EVERRR go wrong, and thus forces me to remain dumbfoundedly in love with him... er, his music. But, how can anyone not love him when he makes such a beautiful masterpiece??? This is one of the most artistic albums I've ever heard, oozing imagery and integrity out of every sound. Goddamn, Michael Reznor, stop being so fucking talented already so I can stop obsessing with you!!!
Recommended track: 14 Ghosts II - Oh hell, this is some dirty shit! That guitar is pure sludge! I only wish he would have included more tracks like this one, but I'm not complaining. The wimpy piano songs are also very cool.

My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
This one of those weird selections that I don't fully get but included anyway because I can't exactly point out why, but I like it. I like this one a lot. I technically shouldn't, since every hipster critic out there is wetting their pants for this album, but whatever, I'm embracing my hipster side. Another unclassifiable album, kind of trippy, indie, sort of... folk/country??? No idea. Aaanyway, I'm glad I decided against ignoring this album, it made me smile a few times last month, and only a few things possess the ability to make me smile, so alas! Long live Evil Urges!
Recommended track: Librarian - Another one of those depressing tunes that I just love because I hate myself. Deep and emotional and mopey, somewhat.

The Faint - Fasciinatiion
This is not my favorite The Faint album, by any means. I just like this band a little too much, and I'm willing to include this so-so album among the best of the year because I'm dumb like that. Standard The Faint: usual synths, lyrical resemblance to their previous releases. I don't love it, I don't hate it. It's just The Faint.
Recommended track: Forever Growing Centipedes - Fun, bubbly, catchy. What else can I say, it's a cool song...

Nine Inch Nails - The Slip
This is when Trent Reznor stars to piss me off. Every time I listen to The Slip, I feel like he's punching me in the face and going: "Hey, assholes! This is how I thank you for stealing my music, I'm gonna give you this wonderful, incredibly awesome album for free! Fuck you and enjoy! XOXO." It just had to be so good it makes people think of the infamous Broken EP in terms of aggressiveness, but with a modern dance approach. And it had to be for free. I would have paid outrageous amounts of money that I don't have for it, because it's Nine Inch Nails and I have a slight (haha, slight) NIN OCD; but he had to charge jack squat for it and become the hero of our generation. Well, yes, he is a hero, and a visionary, and a very sexy man. No need to rub that in our faces, ok? We know that already. *God, I love you so much, Trent Reznor! Marry me!*
Recommended track: 1,ooo,ooo - This is perfect. Seriously, there's not a single thing I would change about this one. I love all of The Slip (ok, maybe Corona Radiata is a bit pointless and overrated), but I have much more than simple love for this track. If I could express it with words, I would.

The following are albums that I already have, one way or another, mentioned on previous posts, and am lazy enough to re-review.

Okkervil River - The Stand Ins
If this album made me fall in love with an entire genre, it must definitely be at least one eighth good.
Recommended track: On Tour with Zykos - Slow melody, nice lyrics, rain factor. Yum.

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!
I have already written a Bible full of praises for this one, but I just had to include it here for one final review. It's Nick Cave, how can one not love it?
Recommended track: Lie Down Here (& Be My Girl) - Slightly more upbeat than your typical Nick Cave track, my second favorite after the sorrowful Hold On to Yourself.

Modwheelmood - Pearls to Pigs, Vol. 3
Ally, I miss you in NIN!!! I wish you all the best with whatever projects you undertake in the future, and please, keep the volumes coming, I am already hooked on your pearls and pigs.
Recommended track: Lie - Haha, Alessandro Cortini swearing is the funniest thing I ever heard!

Emiliana Torrini - Me and Armini
God, I love Italy. This chick is great, her rather minimalistic music relaxes me, it's fresh and Mediterranean, like basil.
Recommended track: Ha Ha - Somehow, this song doesn't make me laugh. It's rather sad, to be honest.

TV on the Radio - Dear Science
All critics agree that this album is one of the absolute best of the year, and again, they're right. Damn them. These guys have kept me entertained since Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes, and with Return to Cookie Mountain, they established themselves as one of my all-time favorite bands. And they're from Brooklyn! Yesss, homeeezzz! This long-awaited release was, indeed, well worth the two-year wait.
Recommended track: DLZ - Mmmm, funky.

Black Kids - Partie Traumatic
Straight from Florida, these kids present a minty cool new wave of danceable pop to light up anyone's crappy day.
Recommended track: Hurricane Jane - Yay! This one makes me want to hit the dancefloor and move mah bones... I'm gonna include it on my New Year's playlist ;)

Some honorable mentions:

Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer

M83 - Saturdays=Youth

The Fireman - Electric Arguments

Northern Lite - Super Black

Laura Marling - Alas, I Cannot Swim
Holy crap, this girl blew my mind, and she's two years younger than me! How the hell did that happen!

Portishead - Third

The Duke Spirit - Neptune

David Byrne and Brian Eno - Everything that Happens Will Happen Today

Meat Beat Manifesto - Autoimmune

Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes

Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid

Loquat - Secrets of the Sea
Shiiitttt, Harder Hit is probably my favorite song of the month... quite possibly on my top 5 of the entire year! I am in love...

Below I will list what I think were some of the most painfully overrated albums of the year, which doesn't mean they're bad, but rather that I have no taste:

Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
I already blogged plenty about my disliking of this album. Yes, I did not like it one bit! Okay, maybe one little bit called Oxford Comma, when in a good mood, and perhaps Walcott if I'm feeling like going to the circus, but for God's sake, I still don't see what the hell everyone's a-buzzing about these guys. They're as hipster as they get, and they don't even make up for it with good music! Shame!
Recommended track: Oxford Comma - Because I already mentioned this track above. Stupid song, catchy melody.

MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
Hmmm... I tried to get into it, I swear. I tried, but I gave up... (lol) I just don't find anything remarkable, poignant, gripping, even interesting about this album. I'm gonna give it another listen before the year is over and maybe you'll have an edit and my sincerest apologies. In the meantime, I'm gonna keep saying it's an overrated album with uncomfortable artwork.
Recommended track: Future Reflections - Retro... lol, I kind of like this song, but it's too weird and trippy. Trippy is usually good, but now it's just weird.

Noah and the Whale - Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down
I think this is a weak debut album. These Britons could have done wonderful things with this record... they could have had more Laura Marling on it, since she performed on one track and she used to be in the band or something... and she kicks ass. That could have made things so much better. But they didn't, and the result is some generic, unexciting folk album that could put my rowdy Poodle to sleep. I'm sorry, I'm really trying to love folk, but these guys make it kind of hard. And they're not bad, I just don't get them. <--This is my version of the old 'it's not you, it's me'.
Recommended track: Hold My Hand as I'm Lowered - If only more tracks were like this one...

Oh, I also think that Coldplay's new album, Viva la Vida and something or other, takes the crown as most overrated album of the year. Coldplay is actually the gayest, most overrated shitty band ever... even more so than The Doors! I might be speaking merely out of a bias, maybe Viva la Vida and Motherfucks is the greatest thing since The Beatles' White Album, maybe Chris Martin is not gay... I wouldn't know, because I didn't even dare get near that rotten piece of shit album, and I wouldn't get anywhere near that rotten piece of shit Chris Martin, even if it involved a million dollars and seven minutes of heaven with Trent Reznor. I heard the single, though, and it was enough to show me that today's music business is infested with old, asskissing homos with no discernible good taste. The bulk of them works for Pitchfork. And those people are saying that piece of chewed manure Coldplay is passing as a record is actually THE best album of the year. And those same people gave Ghosts I-IV a 5 out of 10. Haaaaaaaaaa... as Merril Nisker once said, "suck my left one."
Recommended track: Butthole Surfers - The Annoying Song

Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
I got this album about two weeks ago, encouraged by the wonderful reviews I've read of it. It's good, yes, although I don't feel capable enough to give my honest opinion of it. I haven't quite got it yet. So, let's wait and maybe next year I'll be able to say whether I love it or hate it. I think I might not love it, but I won't hate it either.
Recommended track: Blindsided - So far, this is the first track I really really like. Sounds like Dylan but without the weird vocals and with a more elaborate melody. And I'm not a huge Dylan fan, but I think I might like this guy. Huh...

Crap, it's almost 4 AM and I'm hungry. All this music appreciation wore me out. Well, this is what I've been listening to that really caught my attention. I command you to give at least one of these bands/albums a chance. They will not disappoint. Except for Vampire Weekend, but the way I see it, everybody likes them because everybody likes them, so if you like things that everybody likes, you'll like Vampire Weekend... and I won't like you. Whateverrrrr. Now I'm gonna go stuff myself with whatever I can find in the cupboard and have a great night's sleep. See ya in 09! Or even earlier, if I feel like being an annoying bitch before Dec. 31st and blog again!

Listening to: Spoon - Rhthm & Soul (too bad Spoon's Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga was released in 07, otherwise it would have been a shoo-in on this list!)
Eating: A molten Sneakers bar
Drinking: Water

December 25, 2008

Oh hey...

Merry Christmas to you, too. Kind of hypocritical of you to be sending me your best wishes now, but... I'm passive, and stupid, so the best I can do right now is read and wonder... and ponder. I would reply, see, but you consider me a threat to your already frail (understatement, anyone) mental health, and deemed extremely necessary to block me, put a shield around yourself and alienate me from your life, so I can't. I understand you, I'm dangerous and I can hurt you. Very wise of you to do that. I'm okay, if you care to ask. I don't care to ask how you are because, rumor has it you're doing wonderful. That's lovely...

Oh, hey... your bland, emotion-less, minimalistic
Merry Christmas was as unconvincing as O.J. Simpson's 'not guilty' plea. It did shit for me and if you were trying to show off your good Christmas spirit and act like it's all forgiven and forgotten, well... I have nothing to be forgiven for, and I do not seek your forgiveness anyway. So, just cut the shit out and leave me alone. I don't like Christmas and I no longer like you; your best wishes and your phony innocence won't move me this time.

Try again after I have a lobotomy.

Listening to: The Beatles - The Beatles' Seventh Christmas Record
via FoxyTunes

December 24, 2008

Close Encounters of the Christmas Kind

A few moments ago I was peacefully sleeping, dreaming of things I'd rather not say out loud, when I abruptly woke up to the sound of something crashing on the floor. My heart is still racing. I'm not the kind to get scared, because I honestly do not believe in ghosts or dwarfs or the tooth fairy, or whatever the hell people like to believe exists beyond the realm of us mortals. Fuck that, if ghosts actually existed, I would have seen one already. Although... that book "accidentally" falling to the floor from the shell where it peacefully lay, and had laid for months until now, made me kind of reconsider my stance on the whole ghosts thing.

Come to think about it, I guess that was life's little alarm clock waking me up to let me know... Yay!!! it's officially Christmas Eve!!! Well, way to fucking wake me up. I can't imagine a better way to open your eyes than to the feel of a heartattack raking your body. Way to fucking go, life.

Now, with the imminent coming of the holidays, and Santa being up in my grill and Christmas carols stalking me everywhere -even my iTunes, I guess the logical next step right now would be to express the giddiness and joy that Christmas evokes in this individual, aka me. Not this time. Other than the usual feeling of loneliness that overcomes me, especially in holidays like this, I don't really feel motivated enough to even wake up tomorrow. Yes, I am a deeply troubled person and I need therapy. One that does not involve spending outrageous amounts of money and the acquisition of heaps of highly unnecessary items of clothing. One that doesn't involve snobby sushi bars either. But, really, what is Christmas about?

Apparently, this is a Western holiday brought to us by our European colonizers, which is supposed to represent the birth of Jesus, one of the highest figures in most Western religions. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I gave up on religion long ago. And I really hate colonization and what those European bastards did to us and our beautiful lands and our culture. Excuse me, but turning us into a society devoid of a cultural heritage, which attempts to leave its cultural mark in the world with shitty movies made by big fat greedy corporate assholes, and cute handcrafts made by poor, underestimated natives, is not the way to bring enlightenment to the savage Americas. So, really, I have no reason whatsoever to celebrate Christmas. Yet I can't help feeling utterly fucking lonely and emotional. Because those people on the streets with their bags full of Christmas presents, and their tables all set with enough food for a whole month, and their apparent love for one another and best wishes and motherfucks... well, they're to blame. Christmas is infectious, it's like the flu. And who can escape it, when everywhere you turn there's a TV set sneezing the virus straight at you with all those crappy made-for-TV Christmas movies and cheesy cartoon shows. Now I'm overeating in the name of Christmas, I'm listening to overly stupid songs about red-nosed reindeers and little drummer boys, and I'm receiving presents, which are supposed to represent love and affection and gratitude. I don't believe in receiving presents. I'm awkward and I don't know what to do with myself eighty percent of the time when I'm in the presence of other humans. And don't get me wrong, it's not lack of gratitude of my part either. It's just a profound lack of words to express myself with... as if, out of the trillions of words I could use to say 'hey, thanks a lot, man,' I find myself thinking way too much, and they all escape me. This is not an exclusive Christmas thing. But yes, it's especially intensified during holidays involving presents. I hate this, because every time I'm faced upon situations such as this, I realize what a failure I am when it comes to interacting with people.

I don't even remember what the point of this long, useless rant was anymore, because that's just how fucking clueless I usually am about things, but... I think what I was trying to say is that, I have a conflictive, love-hate relationship with Christmas. I don't know what the point of it is really, as I have already given enough reasons why I should NOT celebrate it, and I still do, sort of, because everyone else does, and that makes me conventional and lackluster.

Yet... something about the nonsensical magic associated with the whole month of December, and all the goodness it represents, even in a fantastic, completely surreal kind of way, is enough for me to bring out the inner, not-so-secret-child within me and rejoice. Bottom line: I love Christmas, but hate what humans have turned it into.

So, as a way to remain sane until the month comes to an end, I hereby vow that I will NOT indulge in pointless Christmas shopping and binge-eating, and Carol-singing and Christmas-tree-staring. I have enough nonsense on my plate already, thank you very much.

OK, now... A special thanks to all my lovely friends, who have done the impossible to make me feel less miserable this week, which has sucked more than usual thanks to you people and your fucking 'it's Christmas, let's make everyone who's lonely feel like crap' togetherness. In all my holiday blues and my bitterness, I can still thank you guys, because I don't care how you celebrate the birth of Jesus or whatever, I still love you chunks. Thank youuuuuuuu, for the lovely present, and for making Christmas suck less today. Now every time I log onto my account, I will remember that there are still a few charming, thoughtful men out there. Thanks to today's sushi crew -I have sushi up in my brain right now, I can't even think straight. I had fun today. I don't know how I'll feel tomorrow, when everyone's sharing wonderful Kodak moments with their respective families and I'm lonely with my insane Poodle, but today was just nice.

I'm much calmer now. The book remains spread open (on page 347, from what I can see from over here) on my floor, and fuck me if I get out of my warm bed to pick it up. My bet is, the book is ridden with Christmas elves and tinkerbells and shit and if I do so much as get near it, it will infest me with its dumbass Christmas retardation and I'll be leaving cookies and milk for Santa and hanging a stocking on the fireplace.

Now would be the perfect time to admit that I am actually scared about that damn book falling. Also, I guess I must confess I had too many apple martinis tonight and my thoughts at the moment are anything but coherent.

A present, because despite being a total fucking bitch about Christmas, I'm still sort of nice.


By the way, I'm still waiting for your small holiday gift, Trent Reznor.

Listening to: Love Spirals Downwards - Will You Fade
Eating: Regurgitating sushi. Yuck.
Drinking: Coffee

December 19, 2008

All I Want for Christmas Is...

As I mentioned on a previous post, I was looking forward to today because I expected to fix my life with selflessness and love and children and the goddamned Christmas spirit, which about a month ago I would have thought impossible, and depending on the mood, even laughed at myself for having such juvenile thoughts. Well, I did fix it. Today was by far the best day of my whole year.

First off, I'd like express the truck load of glee filling my heart right now. Honestly, nothing can even compare to the enormous amounts of nice feelings I'm having as I type. It's the kind of thing that almost makes you believe that Israel and Palestine can make up and be BFFs. I never thought helping little kids have a merry little Christmas could so much as move me, much less potentially erase every last drop of misery off of me. But again, that's life's little sneaky way of showing me what a dumbass I am most of the time. A sincere thanks to everyone involved, from sponsors to that annoying dumb broad organizing the whole thing. Really, all y'all deserve to get all your debts paid. You're awesome, and since I'm the queen of awesome, everyone knows I'm most right.

Second, a special shout-out to my dear friend Rommy, for being such a wonderful partner, ally, baby-sitter... *cough cough* hitchhiker, and person. Thank you sooooo much for taking care of my kid while I was having my little shoe incident (that's what I get for wearing platforms, doh!). Dinner totally on me next week! Thanks to my ubiquitous midget, the best dwarf friend a grumpy bitch could ever wish for. Lisette, I love you lots and lots, and today I realized just how much I admire you. You know you're my role model, and you know we're gonna take over the world one Canadian province at a time! Also, Diana, you're the sweetest chick I know! And you're also the skinniest! Damn you!!!

I am so exceptionally tired today I can barely move, and I'm sure next morning I'll be as fucking stiff as a redwood. My feet are still throbbing from a whole day of walking around, running, wandering in search of water, etc. My hair looks like the steamiest pile of crap, and my skin is hopelessly screaming for help. I would much rather not look at myself right now, but unfortunately I have mirrors and I can still see with both eyes. I am honest to God not lying when I say I have never looked so crappy. But what today meant to so many people, what I helped, even in such a tiny, microscopic way, to accomplish, allows me to find beauty in every ache, every strand of stringy, greasy hair, every ring under my eyes. I do not, by any means, look beautiful, but I feel good, and that's enough. I'll put on some makeup tomorrow and everything will be back to normal ;)

Finally, I am going to post some pics that, with any luck, will convey all these warm, fuzzy feelings I just talked about.

Lisette and I regretting getting up so early... yesterday didn't help much ;)

Before the kids arrived.

Rommy and Lisette and an eighth of me.

On our way to get our kids.

With our lovely chicks.

Look, it's Rommy's little sister, Dora!!!

Hot model guy, aka Perfect Dude number 1687, and his kid. Gorgeous body, insanely pretty eyes, attitude, AND he's good with kids! Oh... maybe he's stupid, but who cares!!!

My nose looks big :/

Yours truly looking like a retard while these kids boarded a plane for their first flight EVER. (Seriously, that was a true Christmas miracle, the most beautiful idea they could ever have).

On the ASSpotlight... oops!

Inside the aircraft.

Some Avril Lavigne look-alike singing some emo/pop-punk, teenage bullshit. No hating, though. I'm feeling nice today.

Diana and I looking like we needed some water. And a break.

To wrap up this lovely day, each of the kids had to write a wish on a piece of paper, then tie it to a balloon, and once the clock hit the four PM mark, they would all release them, letting their wishes fly up to the sky and go straight to the Lord (people in South America are very religious, but you probably know that already). That was indeed a touching moment.

Helping our kids with their balloons...

Okay here we go: One, two...


... And so, the kids' wishes reached the hands of that who they believe in, and they smiled content at the thought of their dreams coming true.

I will be eternally grateful to those who made me a part of this, for giving this alien the chance to feel more at home than she ever has. And thank you, my cutest girl Genesis, for being such a quiet, friendly, un-childish kid. I know you will get presents this Christmas, and you will be very happy, as you wished.

Listening to: Von Südenfed - Flooded
via FoxyTunes

December 17, 2008

The PhotoSHIT

Thanks Grecia for the lovely catchphrase: "it's not a photoshoot, it's a photoshit!"


Photo shoot: A photo shoot is generally used in the fashion industry, whereby a model poses for a photographer at a studio where multiple photos are taken to find the best ones for the required brief. A model is not always a person however there are some times when a photo shoot of a food for a magazine is done showing characteristics for commercial use .

Photo SHIT: A photo SHIT is generally used to cheer up Cat when she's going through a rough patch, whereby a model (dumbass, annoying friends of Cat's) poses for a photographer (dumbass, annoying Grecia, friend of Cat's) at a studio (wherever that fucking camera from hell happens to make an appearance) where multiple photos are taken to find the (less shitty) best ones for the required brief (Facebook, Cat's retarded blog, blah blah). A model is not always a person (see above) however there are some times when a photo shoot of a food for a magazine is done showing characteristics for commercial use or entertainment purposes.

Thanks to my beautiful friends for setting up this photoSHIT. I cannot find the words to thank you for your such awesome times. Love you all, XOXO and all that bullshit.

Wanna guess which one's my foot?

The McShitty dinner.

The flying napkin LOL.

Awww, you guys are so sweet!


Shitty beer... can't beat that.

Listening to: The National - Start A War
via FoxyTunes

December 11, 2008


I didn't have anywhere else to paste this html crap on so I'm putting it on here.

According to my account records:

iGotSurvivalism's top albums

1. Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral (941)

2. Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile (905)

3. Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine (722)

4. Nine Inch Nails - [With_Teeth] (541)

5. Nine Inch Nails - Broken EP (443)

6. Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts I-IV (297)

7. White Rose Movement - Kick (266)

8. Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (208)

9. Nine Inch Nails - Still (207)

10. Interpol - Antics (192)

11. Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a Machine (192)

12. Nine Inch Nails - The Slip (174)

13. Dead Can Dance - Dead Can Dance (169)

14. Editors - The Back Room (156)

15. A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step (150)

16. Editors - An End Has A Start (145)

17. She Wants Revenge - She Wants Revenge (145)

18. The Sisters of Mercy - First and Last and Always (142)

19. TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain (133)

20. The Arcade Fire - Funeral (132)

Wow, I'm like... really obsessed with Nine Inch Nails. It's official now.

Listening to: Charlotte Gainsbourg - The Songs That We Sing
via FoxyTunes